Trike for the Family

Cool looking ride.ThumbUp
That must need an empty parking lot to turn/reverse direction!!!
It would be great to have in a shorter 3 seat version. 5 seats is overkill to me and Id hate to have to turn it around.
Any way you shake it, that is a work of art! Looks like maybe it is intended as a "Limo" Trike.... :xszpv::xszpv:

You are correct, too long for me. I can just imagine trying to do the "Three Sisters" on that one!!:AGGHH: :AGGHH:
Looks like an open air 3 wheeled mini van to me. I know some people will probably drool over it, but that isn't my idea of what a trike should be or how a trike should look. To each his own.
I'm with Zook.But I can appreciate the work that went into it.I'd ride it on any road.Probably not as fast as a regular trike but i'd have fun just the same.
Just think of the stress on the triple-tree when loaded up! You can put your mother inlaw , sister inlaw ,and any other inlaw you want :AGGHH: and the back seat driving shall begin!
Yep it is a beauty. There are a couple of really big trikes around here, they look good, sound great and are usually seen on the big slab. Jim