Record Set

:pepper: Dang! That’s a LOT of folks to be online at TrikeTalk at ONE time!

Congratulations to Randy, all the moderators, and the excellent members of TrikeTalk!
just smashed another record today at 12:08 PM.ThumbUpThumbUp

"Current Active Users" on line just topped out 17,726.

WOW! And I don't remember if I was on at that time or not. If I wasn't I sure wish I would've been just to be a part of it. just smashed another record again this afternoon at 5:48 PM.ThumbUpThumbUp

"Current Active Users" on line just topped out 17,737.

Twice in the same day. We are on a roll.:clapping:

Helps a little that half the nation is stuck in house cause of rain....:xzqxz:....:laugh:...

But a record is a record......:clapping:.......
Its all the NO life government politicians lurking , full of jealousy wishing to have some enjoyment :scooter:
Not everyone has something to say, As long as their watching eventually/hopefully the'll start joining in....There is an old business saying......Before you can sell them something ,They first have come in the door and look around ......


"Current Active Users" on line last night at 10:53 PM topped out at 17,740.

We smashed the record three times in the same day.

TrikeTalk is on a roll.