Voyager kit


For those of you that have the newer voyager kits or know someone that has have you/they had any issue with the rubber shock mounts?

Well today I manage to get in 269 miles wih the voyager kit. On the interstate there were stretches of highway where I got the bike up 72 MPH ( speed limit is 75). The road during the stretch was smooth no issues.Then there were stretches were I had to bring my speed down to 60-65 MPH.. The back of the bike was bouncing a lot. I have my rear tires at 20 psi but maybe I need to bring it down a bit. When I got home I took the kit off and went for a spin on 2 wheels... I guess I got use to it now I want to put the kit back on!!!
I have been on a voyager for 10 years and 5 different bike to help with the bounce reset your preload to 1/2'' leave your tire at 20 lb so you donot have side wall flex in tire when you are in the turn. there is a litte bounce in a voyager all the time; let the people behind you werry about it you just ride and not werry about the bounce and have FUN.
Here is what I noticed yesterday when I was on a ride with a guy who had a Voyager trike set on his Harley. The set was a few years old yet when going around a curve fast or slow the wheels don't stay firmly on the ground. There were many right curves and I noticed the the left wheel get sometimes as much as three to six inches off the ground.

Now I have a Danson set same sort of a set only the Voyager comes off in a few minutes. My set stays on the ground firmly in curves no matter how tight they may be. I would think if going fast 40 MPH in a curve and there is a bump in the road this could be a issue if one of the back wheels doesn't stay firmly on the ground. Right or wrong?
The voyager kit will raise the inside wheel on a sharp turn. This is meant to happen. Nothing is wrong with the kit. I had my kit put on at Voyager and when they take you out to first try the trike, they tell you this and they make you turn sharp so you see that the trike will not turn over. You don't leave untill you know how to handle that trike. So don't worry about the inside wheel coming up. Dennis.
Interesting. With the outrigger wheels coming off the ground does the trike set lean in curves? From the experience I have had on four wheel trikes if the cycle doesn't lean the drive wheel tire tends to ware out quickly in the middle of the tire. Thus was the case with my Danson trike. I had to get a car tire for the drive wheel and now there isn't any ware on the tire.
Burgman. Yes the center tire will wear out more because you are on that tire all the time. I am on my second season with my new back tire. This is just the way it is for that type of kit. If you have alot of bounce in the back , let some air out of the two outside tires this will help. Dennis.
Bigjoey38. If your kit bounces a lot then let some air out of the two outside tires. There should only be 20 lbs of air. Now if you still have too much bounce then let some air out. I have read that some people have only 16-18 lbs of air in the kit's tires and this helped a lot. Good luck. Dennis.
Here is a good question since you guys have a Voyager kit. Will your state let you ride your bike with the kit on it to get your motorcycle endorsment? Since your bike really has four wheels on the ground will your state BMV let you take a rides test on your bike?

You raise a good question, I already had my endorsement, I live in California. I am also wondering that since my Kawasaki 1700 with the Voyager kit has a total of 4 wheels, does that mean I no longer need to wear a helmet, since the state does not classify this as a motorcycle, OR a trike? BTW, read the Calif. laws on what defines a motorcycle.
It actually states "...A motorcycle is not a tractor..." Is that crazy, or what? Also, Allstate classifies the voyager kit as "Motorcycle accessories", not a trike.

So this is now very confusing. It is a motorcycle. My insurance with USI states that I have a motorcycle..well scooter so my insurace premiums are less than a motocycle yet with four wheels the Ohio BMV doesn't know what to classify the darn things. So now I'm in a stalemate. I have seen several Voyager trikes on the road here in Ohio but I not sure if all these people have tested on their bike or on a two wheeler. Surely they can't test on their bike as four wheels are on the ground. So now I have asked the State in my letter do I have a motorcycle or a tractor? I can't wait until I get a response back from powers to be.
I think it is not recomended, as many Voyagers get converted back. My thought is that if it was a dedicated full time trike application-I say go for it and follow the standard guidelines (like 5 degrees on most HD's etc.)
I had a Suzuki Boulevard C-50 with a Trigg Trike Kit (similar to a Voyager kit). It definitely didn't need a rake kit. It steered easily leaving the bike as it was.

MarciaG :)
In Conn you can't use your own bike to take a test. You must take a course on their 250 cc motorcycle then pass the test. Sooooo the Voyager can then. Be ridden as a motorcycle with a set of extra wheels. Not a trike, still a motorcycle.
Wow, John. In Ohio, they won't let you ride your bike with a voyager-type of kit in a class nor will they let you take the test at the BMV on it. Those kind of rigs are really in limbo here. You're required to have a 2 wheel endorsement to ride it but they don't let you use it for a test or a class. A real catch-22.

Ive had a voyager kit on my gl1800 goldwing for about 3 years ,probably have near 30 thousand on it. its a new kit you reallt cant adjust the tention my rubber bumper have been fine. the problen i had was the welds broke where the belly pan bolted to the centerstand there was absolutly no penatration on the upright bracket. i sent pics to voyager and showed then and asked them to check. they informed me there welds were good and it was 30 bucks for a new bracket. i said i would just reweld it myself. tyhe kit serves its purpose but i would buy a real trike if i had it to do over. or build one
Have any of you heard about the trigg trike, the new kits open 7 inches on a goldwing so they say ,know any benefits to it or voyager, tow pac