Water Softener

Last winter we were in Lowe's, saw a clearance display with a nice price on a Water Softener. Well, my old one was starting to leak in a valve and it was 25 years old, and I wanted to switch to Potassium Chloride softener salt, so I bought it. It's installed and full and is working well …

… but I have the old one on my basement stoop, and that sucker is heavy. I got most all the old Sodium Chloride out as well as water, I can off load it at the recycle center … but did I mention it's heavy. No hand holds. Tomorrow, I'm gonna take a sawsall to it, cut the resin tank and put resins in old coffee cans. They are mostly plastic anyway, no biohazards. Just a mess, but I bet it'll be some lighter.

Last winter we were in Lowe's, saw a clearance display with a nice price on a Water Softener. Well, my old one was starting to leak in a valve and it was 25 years old, and I wanted to switch to Potassium Chloride softener salt, so I bought it. It's installed and full and is working well …

… but I have the old one on my basement stoop, and that sucker is heavy. I got most all the old Sodium Chloride out as well as water, I can off load it at the recycle center … but did I mention it's heavy. No hand holds. Tomorrow, I'm gonna take a sawsall to it, cut the resin tank and put resins in old coffee cans. They are mostly plastic anyway, no biohazards. Just a mess, but I bet it'll be some lighter.


Cut hand holes with the saws-all ....Wear gloves....
Be careful and don't spill the resin beads. If you get enough on your shoes it is like trying to walk on Ice. Where I used to work, we changed out the resin in our water softener, two tanks with 30 cu. ft. per tank. It was a mess. Most was sucked out by a vacuum truck.
Ok , I thought it was one of those galvanized monsters.
No, but I think as heavy as a new dry one is, this one is heavier because it maybe has a water logged resin tank, not dry resins.

I thought about cutting hand holds in the outer body but wonder if the plastic will tear like if I run straps through them and use a come a long hung from a beam to lift and back my truck under it. I'd have to "drop" the thing off the tailgate at the recycle center. Like said, I have most of the salt out of it, I moved it outside with my hand truck.

I hauled one to the dump years ago, it was a manual one, it turned over in my truck and made a mess. I was younger and did not own a sawsall then either.

Yeah, I'll aim to at least photo whatever I do, I know I'm not the first.
Might be worth it to have the proper company come in and remove it for you... a sting in the pocketbook but DONE and out of your life...without wrecking/messing anything or your body...