We Lost Danielle last night

Sorry to hear of your family's tragic loss, Jack.

Words cannot explain the feelings we experience in losing a daughter/son, or any family member for that matter.

Godspeed to Danielle, and may she now rest in peace.
It is so sad to hear of children passing. It should not happen this way. Our condolences to you and your Family. May she Rest In Peace!

Rosy & Janice
Jack, I can't imagine having to bury my own daughter and how incredibly painful that must be. My prayer is that you would know the Lord's soothing hand in your and your family's lives. If there is a speck of a bright spot to be found in all this remember you will see Danielle "on the other side". God be with you.


I am very sorry for your loss. Cherish your memories of her until you get to see her again. Take comfort knowing that you will. Thoughts and prayers with you.
