Whats for supper?

Cold outside, so having some Pot Roast inside. :pepper:

View attachment 32382

Had the same thing tonight Sully, but......mine didn't look that good. I need to have a talk with the Wife about her cooking....No, never mind, I'm old enough and Smart enough to know that's not a good idea! :p

Hers was good, no complaints there, just didn't have the same presentation. Seems everything you cook looks like it came off the chiefs table at an upscale restaurant.
Sully you missed your calling !!ThumbUp
Hers was good, no complaints there, just didn't have the same presentation. Seems everything you cook looks like it came off the chiefs table at an upscale restaurant.
Sully you missed your calling !!ThumbUp

Why do you think we promoted him to TrikeTalk.com Executive Chef?
I was going to post having goulash for supper but after looking at what Sully has been putting on I just can't get excited about it anymore.:cxtv:

A body can almost gain weight just lookin' at all the wonderful food you put on here! You definitely have a talent with food and pics of food! Keep it up!!! My wife even enjoys looking at your posts.