Where to start

Lots of great info and advice in this thread.

Training is key to understanding when and when not to use lethal force. Police forces regularly train on this exact scenario to keep all their officers sharp and ready for what comes their way on the street.

Another option if you're having second thoughts about using lethal force is to carry a stun gun/Taser.

While the stopping power is significantly lower than a firearm, you can "shoot" someone and not have the lasting psychological effects of using lethal force.

Keep in mind that someone hopped-up on drugs probably won't be phased by the use of Taser type weapons.

Additionally, Tasers and other stun type weapons may not be legal to carry in all areas you travel so a pre check should be in order if you choose that route.

Good luck on your choice, and pending surgery, going forward...
About that pepper spray... back in the late 70’s I carried a spray in my purse. I forgot about it being in the purse as it was all the way on the bottom. At one point I would reach into my purse for something, then in a little while would rub my eyes... would get a burning feeling in my eyes. This went on for about a week. Finally dawned on me to dump the purse and see what was going on... yep, pepper spray was leaking and was on everything. Had to trash the whole mess - purse and all.

I considered getting another spray but by then was “once bitten, twice shy”. Besides I reasoned that it would be just my luck with our constant wind out here I would spray it at a bad guy only to have it blown back in my own face.

So,,, when the carry permits came out - Jim and i didn’t waste any time obtaining them. Never have felt threatened but one time - when I was not carrying my gun. That was a really sick feeling to know I was helpless. Luckily the moment was interrupted and the 3 perps fled. I vowed never to be without my concealed weapon on my person again.
This Round Tuit is a hoot

Since it is dreary today, I stopped into my local gun shop. For my neck of the woods ... this is a huge place.

The guy there was very helpful. He recommended:

1) do a class

2) get a permit

3) get a gun

But ... he modified the order after he thought about it.

He recommended trying a few guns in my hand to see what "felt good". He picked out 6 or 7 for me to hold .. I was very careful ... left the trigger finger running along the barrel ... I did listen to you guys. :D

These are the 3 I liked ... the $549 one is the one that feels best in my hand (of course, most expensive of the bunch) ... comes with a cleaning kit, two clips, case, and three grips, s, m, l ... it has the medium on it now and it feels good. The one in the picture doesn't have an external safety, if I bought one it would have that, same price.


Next, he recommended a range in town that has the guns I liked .. they rent them. You just pay the rental, range fees, and ammo ... sounds like a good way to see if it interests me.

If that doesn't scare me off, he recommends that I get my own gun, take the class and get the permit with my own gun. Seems pretty logical.

He gave me this, the April classes aren't scheduled yet.


Apparently, when you complete the class, and pass the background check, you qualify for the concealed permit in Colorado. Apparently, we can carry on the hip or other non concealed with out a permit ... he called it "Open Carry", except in Denver .... you know the leftist college town.

He said the class will give you lots of info on where to find each states rules and regs.

So, I guess I'll make time to go rent the Smith & Wesson 9mm ($549) and shoot it .. the do some soul searching and get try to get off the fence ... :D
So a question, Is the Smith & Wesson MP-9 a decent weapon??? If I do this I will pray every day that I never have to use it ... except at the range.
^...Quite a few police departments use it. It's made well, and S&W is a reputable company with many happy owners of their products.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of polymer framed guns, but they've been around awhile and stand up to lots of hard use pretty well.

It really comes to personal preference, but you do get what you pay for when it comes to firearms.

If/when you get tired of owning it, not a lot of depreciation on the high end guns as long as they're well maintained and not broken or worn out...
^...Quite a few police departments use it. It's made well, and S&W is a reputable company with many happy owners of their products.

It really comes to personal preference, but you do get what you pay for when it comes to firearms.

If/when you get tired of owning it, not a lot of depreciation on the high end guns as long as they're well maintained and not broken or worn out...

I have no idea what is high end in a hand gun ... the sales guy just laid out a bunch of them ... I "felt" them and narrowed it to three ... two he called compact??? and the one that "felt" the best was not compact.

What would be considered high end and are the prices on these guns reasonable?
Typically high end guns are made by the respected names in the industry, Colt, S&W, H&K, Glock, Beretta, etc.

High end guns are also typically in the upper end of the price spectrum for their caliber.

Prices vary from dealer to dealer and the savvy buyer must shop around if he/she expects to get the best price.

If you've developed a relationship with the guy you're dealing with, see if he'll toss in some "extras" if you pay full price. A set of earphones, (Mickey Mouse style), a box of ammo, shooting glasses, etc. Don't be greedy, but not asking for anything as part of the deal, will get you nothing extra for your money.

If he also runs the range, perhaps a couple of hours of range time complementary? Or the required course you need?
I must of misunderstood the salesman ... I understood that the MP9 I was holding was all metal. After doing a little research, and your response ... I was wrong.

The gun with the yellow strap was the only one that had polymer was my understanding. Clearly wrong again. But the one with the band, a Ruger I believe, felt "cheap" in my hand, there was a "rattle" to it, just wiggling your hand. The salesman said it was probably just the empty mag.

Clearly, I need to do more research, Some things "I think" are a must for me:

1) all metal construction

2) ability to mount a laser

3) fit in my hand

4) ability to wear either concealed or openly with a modicum of comfort (not sure how this is gonna be achieved, I can't even wear a phone case holder on my belt ... LOL)

Some of Alan's observations from my "Kerrville Visit" and What I expected to see.

I guess I was filled with preconceived notions that turned out to be just bogus. In my mind I kind of thought everyone would have a "Six Shooter strapped to their hip", not sure why I thought that. My ex wife was a Texan and I spent quite a bit of time in Texas (Grandbury, Waco, Huston) visiting her relatives. In hindsight I don't remember seeing lots of guns around anyone.

I was really expecting to be able to "see" weapons on people. I didn't. I'm pretty sure there were weapons there at the gathering, but, I never saw a single one. Not even a hint ... LOL ... guess that's why it's called "concealed". To be honest, I was a tad disappointed at first .. but actually impressed after thinking about it. The ability to discreetly and responsibly provide for their self protection was what was the "seed" that got planted to pursue self protection for myself.

I have found myself in some "dicey" situations that scared the snot out of me. I was in a gas station once that was robbed. I came out of the rest room to find an armed man holding up the attendant. When the robber heard me he waved his gun in my direction. Needless to say, Alan froze. That was all the robber wanted, to know i wasn't gonna do anything stupid or heroic and from then on he concentrated on the attendant who was giving the robber every thing he wanted.

As a young sailor, I was mugged and beaten up by four guys in Norfolk, Va. I have racked my brain as to why they beat me up, only answer is I didn't have as much money to steal as they expected me to have.

I have always been told and kind of believed "if confronted, give them what they want" ... seems to me, the news is full of people that did just that and where still killed.

Just some thoughts on why I'm even considering this.
What you're looking at are Large in size and will not conceal carry too well. If you're going to conceal carry take a look at the S&W MP Bodyguard 380. It also has a built-in Laser.

FullSizeRender copy.jpg

Or a Bond Arms, different barrels for other cals. I have one and I have a 410 shotgun shell in one barrel and a 45 cal in the other. That should stop the threat.


After you take the class, Practice, Practice, Practice.
What you're looking at are Large in size and will not conceal carry too well. If you're going to conceal carry take a look at the S&W MP Bodyguard 380. It also has a built-in Laser.

View attachment 69365

Or a Bond Arms, different barrels for other cals. I have one and I have a 410 shotgun shell in one barrel and a 45 cal in the other. That should stop the threat.

View attachment 69366

After you take the class, Practice, Practice, Practice.

So the 410 slows em down and the 45 finishes it????
Great post lot of very good information. I also believe that it is very ez to carry a weapon. But a hole different thing when it time to pull that trigger!
Great post lot of very good information. I also believe that it is very ez to carry a weapon. But a whole different thing when it time to pull that trigger!

I agree ... and I would pray I never needed to find out ... but ... here's the rub, if I find myself in a situation where I needed to make the decision to shoot ... and can't ... I don't think I'm any worse off than not having a weapon ... JMHO ... and worse case ... I'm pretty sure if some one got close enough .. I could hit them with it like a hammer.