Where were YOU?

Setting in Ladysmith Highschool sophomore citizenship/government class when the announcement came over the intercom. I have always thought how ironic that was. A bunch of young students being taught as we were when our president was killed.:(
Reading all these remembrances,,, passionate, Patriotic, unified, proud yet humble, sincere, selfless, soulful, Real.
Incredibly moving,

I mourn for our Country and grieve for our loss.
For the Now much more than the Then.

Sad commentary indeed that on our worst day then; We, the United States of America, were still so much "better" than our best day now.

I personally was only 2 months into gestation that day. None the less, heartfelt respect and thanks to President Kennedy for his dutiful service and ultimate sacrifice.
Apologies for what WE have done with what HE gave All for.
The phone rang in our class. Teacher listened for a minute then started to cry. She anounced the news and I remember a few of the girls started to cry, the rest of us took our cue from the teacher and remained somber for the rest of the day. Being 2nd graders, the full implications didn't sink in. Mostly I remember being disappointed there was nothing on all 3 channels on the TV except coverage of the event, the laying in state, the funeral and the procession. Will never forget the horse with the boots reversed in the stirrups and Jackie prompting John-John to step out in the street and salute as the hearse went by.
I was a junior in high school working in the auto shop class. The 3 instructors called us all to the main shop floor they were very upset we did not know why. They told us the President has been shot and did not survive. In high school none of us were very political but after that news 30 guys and 3 instructors all had tears in their eyes. Everyone just walked out and went home.
i was almost 1 year old. it was less than a week to my first birthday. probably crawling around on the floor with a pooh in my pants. we were living in England at the time.

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i must be the forum baby
Seems like I'm older than most of you. I was setting in a classroom in Bainbridge Md. on the U.S Naval base. They interupted the class to notify us of what happened. Later when the funeral was held, I was walking from my barracks to watch duty at that same school when I had to stop and salute when they fired the salute with the cannons.
I was three years old. To this day, I remember watching the funeral on a small black & white television set at the home of a neighbor who babysat my siblings and I...
According to my mother, I was sitting watching cartoons when the news came on. Yes, I realize that could be now with me also. I was 2 1/2 then.My mother said she grabbed me and ran outdoors (in East Flatbush, Brooklyn) to talk to all the neighbors about it.
I was in my home room class of Ms. Clark, Central Jr. High School in Ogden, UT. It was 4th period, we were doing whatever we did in class and the school PA came on the Principal came on and said that the "President of the United States was dead.... The President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was dead." We were all in shock. Lunch was next and we all just wondered the hallways like a bunch of teenage zombies. I will never forget.