What's your monthly average mileage for triking?

What's your monthly triking mileage?

  • Less than 100

    Votes: 17 5.1%
  • 100 to 199

    Votes: 19 5.7%
  • 200 to 299

    Votes: 32 9.7%
  • 300 to 399

    Votes: 36 10.9%
  • 400 to 499

    Votes: 34 10.3%
  • 500 to 699

    Votes: 64 19.3%
  • 700 to 899

    Votes: 29 8.8%
  • more than 900!

    Votes: 100 30.2%

  • Total voters
I just realized that I'm averaging about 800 miles a month since I bought my trike. This includes a couple months where I couldn't ride. Am I crazy or is this normal?
Chuck, I hate to break it to you, but lovin' trikin' has nothing to do with a "crazy" diagnosis! I think your mileage is normal.....your mind.....well.....uh......no comment! :giggle:
Chuck, I hate to break it to you, but lovin' trikin' has nothing to do with a "crazy" diagnosis! I think your mileage is normal.....your mind.....well.....uh......no comment! :giggle:

Has my Dad hacked Nana's account??
Right now big fat 0 this month Only put on 350 so far this year. Weather and time get in the way . next month 1,000 or more in the first 2 weeks
Considering it was a bad year for weather, I put 8,500 miles on my TG, in 6 months. That comes out to around 1400 a month, thats high for me, must have had something to do with the new trike:)
Average it out for the whole year and its still over 700 a month. Here in Illinios, you only get at the most 8 monthes a year.
I'm the guy who voted less than 100. Some months its less than 10. lol. Just a ride around the local neighborhood. Just don't seem to have the time, energy or someone else to ride with. But I'm working on it! ;)
I think that where you live makes a big difference as to how much you drive or ride. JJ and I are blessed with a rual area that we are in as we leave our doors or drive way. I also have a friend that had a trike and he has a bike .Now he likes to go for a ride almost every day Now he don't go very far hardly over 100 at a time just out on two lane blacktops and through the fiels and hollars. And he put almost 4000 miles on his bike in about 3 mo:yes:> now he don't think he gets to ride enough. LOL I and joe are the kind that ride when ever we can and sometimes when you should not. Read very wet rain and for miles..... Right Joe? But I can not think of another thing that I like to do any better. Well not at my age anyway!!!!!!:eek:
Any time I can have my buddy on the back and have other nice folks around me I am happy as a pig in poop!!!!! OH and I think I get about 10, to 15000 a year in the trike and probly 5000 on bikes that are around here. If it will give you a idea one year I road the ABC tour for the states of Iowa, Ill, and MO.
And have road the Iowa Iron butt (1124 miles in 24 hours) three tomes in my live so you see I like to ride.....................................................:D
Fascinating discussion, but I don’t think there’s any right or wrong here. Like Rich, my riding is dictated by my priorities.

My Sunday School teaching and other church activities limit our riding on a Sunday to short local rides after church and that changes only on rare well planned exceptions. With those obligations, we pretty much eliminate ourselves from most organized group rides.

My other free time revolves heavily around family, primarily involving my grandchildren, which again, by my choice, limits my riding time. Because the grandkids are not local, particularly the ones in SC, I will frequently trailer the trike. That, by the way brings out a lot of other critical comments from riders.

We do try to plan two extended riding trips a year, but we also enjoy trailering to a “base motel” (we’re not campers) and touring out from there in multiple directions. That gives us the option of using the truck for day trips, such as we did in freezing rain in VT.

IMHO riders should not ever let the opinions or activities of others either dictate their own actions, nor should they feel the need to justify not doing so. We paid a lot of money for what we ride and that gives us the right to ride however, whenever and as often as we prefer.

As with many others, I don’t ride near as much as I would prefer, but I do enjoy every minute of the riding experience. I can honestly say however, that I enjoy those times when I don’t ride just as much (well…most of the time anyway!).
Yep the idea is to ride. How often and how far is going to depend on so many non-trike related issues. Bottom line is get out and ride when you can the spiritual effect is undeniable.
I can only go by past milages I wracked up on 2 wheels, so umm -- on the Sporty over 3 years, I averaged about 700/mo, but I was still working. Last year, during the 7 months I wasn't in the injured list, I averaged 2400/mo. If I factor out the trip, that stll averages about 2150. If I go anywhere, it's almost always on the bike -- trike now. Like yesterday -- I needed a part & figured I'd need to do some serious searching, but found it first stop. OK, 'Pest said she wanted to vacuumn, so I took the long way home out by Lake Mead on North Shore drive to try out the sweepers out there. Uh -- BORING!! Could run 'em quite a bit faster than on the bike, but decided not to tick off the Rangers TOO much! I got home 85 miles later. Then 'Pest wanted to go out to dinner. Was cooling off by then, but we took trike anyway. It was 47 when we got home, but running 35 & 45, it was no big deal -- being on the trike was worth it! Total for the day -- 94 mi. I'll probably maintain close to last year's average, but ya'll say I'll ride MORE?? :D

I ride between 10,000 & 15,000 miles a year. Take into consideration that their are two months of cold weather that I don't hardly ride at all I ride at least 1000 miles a month. I belong to GWRRA and we plan on a 500 mile just about every month from early spring until late fall. And I do at least one other 500 mile ride each month with my non-GWRRA friends that complain that they don't get to ride as much as I do. Of course they are saving $50.00 a year and they don't have to ride with groups doing it their way. I probably would not ride as much without the organized rides that I participate with the group. It just makes it easy that's all!
Averaging about 3200 miles per month right now, but I usually average between 30,000 and 40,000 miles per year....promised myself to trim back this year......;)
Ya right skuuter. If you trim back then you will be on here more, and we won't get to see your pics.
I don't like to take mine out of the garage. It might get dirty:p

Worse yet, it may get some sprinkles of rain on it;)
We have done just under 16k in the last year but, haven't put 500 miles on it since coming back from Maggie Valley..It has been in the mid to upper 90's with a heat index between 105 to 110 for the last 3 weeks and that is just too hot. Will be riding probably another 2500 the end of the month to WV, Ohio, Tenn and back thru NC, SC to Florida.