Hannigan FLH Body Removal


Gold Member
Gold Member
Of course this would happen.

One of my overhead garage shelving units shifted a little, lose screw, and something slid off a gave my fender a quarter size divot that just can't be repainted.

I need to remove the body so I can take it to the shop for repairs. This will be after riding season this year.

Can anyone give me the steps to do this?

I do have the tour pak which I've had off before.

When it is off, is there anything I should service?

Thanks, Keith

I scrapped the rear fender of my Hannigan on the garage wall. Paint shop repainted with no mention of needing to remove body.

Don't understand how removing would be cheaper!!!!

Lot more chance of damage, removing and reinstalling, IMHO.

Anyway, give Hannigan a call, I'm sure you'll get info.

Maybe I'll check out a different shop just to make sure, but this one was conveniently close to my house.