Ride Report 2019 Black Hills, Grand Teton Mtns., Rocky Mountain Ntl. Park

Day 8-

We have a full day planned today, packing up....


...then looking for where the end of the jiffy stand is. lol


With all the rain yesterday, I think it partly sank down and partly rain washed dirt over the top.


The rain and hail cleaned the top half of the bike and splattered dirt up on the bottom half. :)


It's a great day to ride...


...so we're off...may be back in 10-12 hours! :)


We're pretty pumped about...


...what all we're going to see...


...the fun roads we're going to ride...


...the sunny skies, and hopefully some good drone footage.


More of Day 8 to come, as time allows.

Interrupting Day 8-

Dwayne just finished a little video of Day 5....

Riding down Hanna Rd, from base camp on Long Draw Rd., on to Deadwood, then back thru Cheyenne Crossing.* Finishing up with riding Spearfish Canyon, each direction.

Day 8 Continued-

This map shows our plans for the day. Some of the best riding in the country!


Mary got some good cloud pics!


It's gonna be a great day of riding...


...I can tell that already! :)


First other bike we've seen so far.


A look back, we have the road to ourselves. :)


They're slowing down in the curves, speeding up in the straights (sort of the opposite of what I do)...


...being a curvy road, soon they are behind us.


Some fellow travelers...


...what a great day to be riding!


Will continue Day 8 as time allows.

Your rididing the roads we ride every time we go out... Sure look different without the Rally traffic... But we get up early and go in from Rapid City and around. So we mostly meet traffic, not have to follow it... Looks like great riding for you... Did you know about the road between Keystone and Hill City that mostly rus along the same area as the 1880s train. From Keystone, the north end at the lights you hang a left.. We ride it both directions, but mostly from Hill City over. Then about dark head bsack to Rapid to the campground...
Great trip so far!

We were out for the Trike Rally in Deadwood this week...back home now because Cora has to be at work in the morning (Saturday}. Rode down to Cheyenne Crossing with the TT/TOI group for lunch on Thursday. After lunch we all went our separate ways...we found Hanna Road, and followed to your campsite...it was empty as of Thursday afternoon!

Our trip was similar to yours, as in rain, hail,...but we had heat, and more road construction..N of Hill City on Hwy 385 they are laying down new asphalt, so wait for pilot car. Iron Mtn Rd was being chip sealed south of Keystone...I figured it must be a real joy to get that o/size machinery up there during tourist season...NOT! Another long wait for pilot car.

Looks like the traffic has picked up since you folks were there...this is now a week after the 4th of July, so that is to be expected.

Looking forward to the next installments of "The Adventures of Kevin and Mary"!!

Your rididing the roads we ride every time we go out... Sure look different without the Rally traffic... But we get up early and go in from Rapid City and around. So we mostly meet traffic, not have to follow it... Looks like great riding for you... Did you know about the road between Keystone and Hill City that mostly rus along the same area as the 1880s train. From Keystone, the north end at the lights you hang a left.. We ride it both directions, but mostly from Hill City over. Then about dark head bsack to Rapid to the campground...

I did not know that. Will take a closer look along the way next time out. Sounds like you have a plan to enjoy the rally and relatively traffic free riding.

Great trip so far!

We were out for the Trike Rally in Deadwood this week...back home now because Cora has to be at work in the morning (Saturday}. Rode down to Cheyenne Crossing with the TT/TOI group for lunch on Thursday. After lunch we all went our separate ways...we found Hanna Road, and followed to your campsite...it was empty as of Thursday afternoon!

Our trip was similar to yours, as in rain, hail,...but we had heat, and more road construction..N of Hill City on Hwy 385 they are laying down new asphalt, so wait for pilot car. Iron Mtn Rd was being chip sealed south of Keystone...I figured it must be a real joy to get that o/size machinery up there during tourist season...NOT! Another long wait for pilot car.

Looks like the traffic has picked up since you folks were there...this is now a week after the 4th of July, so that is to be expected.

Looking forward to the next installments of "The Adventures of Kevin and Mary"!!


Sounds like you had a nice time, regardless. We did have 1 pilot car on the way out of Hill City. Wait was not bad, maybe 10 minutes....BUT, it was not hot...that is a big benefit.

I have a feeling that campsite spoiled us...hard to top it. lol

More Coming.

Day 8 quick update-

The fantastic riding continues...


...a different perspective. I have no idea how far Mary stretched out for this pic.


Great views everywhere...


...riding the levee...


...it was a bit of a surprise when the camera swung into my peripheral vision!


Oh Yeah! These kind of signs usually mean "a ton of fun ahead"-


It was a bit tempered by these bikes and car that did not share my opinion of the "fun ahead" sign. lol


Beautiful views!


Day 8 continued as time allows.

Kevin, I was curious about your GoPro setup ... Looks like you have power to its and a mic? I've been thinking of that ... but the electronic stuff baffles me some .. LOL.

I'd like to do that kind of setup, but, every option I'ver seen is not waterproof ... and that is a must for me on the bike. I'm using GoPro 5's which are waterproof, I believe. I have two of them and want to mount one on the rear of the trike, haven't figured out a good mount yet. I also have the remote, so I can start and stop either or both depending on how I set it up.

Anyway ... any insight would be great.
Kevin, I was curious about your GoPro setup ... Looks like you have power to its and a mic? I've been thinking of that ... but the electronic stuff baffles me some .. LOL.

I'd like to do that kind of setup, but, every option I'ver seen is not waterproof ... and that is a must for me on the bike. I'm using GoPro 5's which are waterproof, I believe. I have two of them and want to mount one on the rear of the trike, haven't figured out a good mount yet. I also have the remote, so I can start and stop either or both depending on how I set it up.

Anyway ... any insight would be great.

It is a Hero 7 Black. First GoPro I've had. It is waterproof, with an ok microphone built in. I am using an external mic most of the time. When I do that it is NOT waterproof...I have to remove one of the doors. If it starts to rain, I can put the door back, only takes a few seconds...BUT, then I have no external mic, just the built in one.

While I have not used external power I could...but it is the same port as the external mic, so it is one or the other, and neither one is waterproof.

What I do for power is that I have 4 batteries, and I have a USB 3 battery charger...so as long as I remember to charge...at night, or while riding...I should never have a power issue.

Basically, that's what I do ... the video I posted about the E-Series Muffler and listening to the audio books was done with the internal mic. I have a two battery charger, and 4 batteries so I always have two batteries charging. I have heard tell that there is a waterproof option with external power and mic ... but, I haven't found it ... I watched a few videos of home made mods to diving cases that looked promising, but they get huge and tough to mount ... for what I'm doing, I guess the internal mic is fine and I normally switch batteries every fuel stop ... needed or not.

I need to figure out a mount for the rear looking camera ... LOL ... if I bring the trailer, I can mount it on the trailer, very easy. Without the trailer, I'm thinking about a bicycle bar mount on the luggage rack, we'll see. The GoPro can be started and stopped with the remote from up to 30'.
Day 8 Continued-

Coming up to some nice riding!


This is going to be fun...


...getting closer to...


...hey, that's gonna be us not too far ahead!


I know I've said it a 100 times...I really like curvy roads!


Elevation changes are fun too!


Rocks that can fall down on us, not so much. lol


Ok, here we are...


...my mind quiets on these roads and I just enjoy the 'flight".


Not to offend anyone...but this kind of riding is "heaven on earth".


Will continue Day 8 as time allows.

When you came into Keystone from that way, the road just past the parking lot at the lights is the one you take to Hill City... You cant go very fast on it. but some of the turns you can just about see your tail light on... Nice little off the beaten path road. When we found it about 25 years ago, it was mostly beat up seal coat. Its much better rode now. To the Left is Hwy 40 it will take you out to Hwy 79... Its a fun road too then turn south and go just a couple miles and back into the hills on 36. it takes you into Custer park. its at the Entrance on the east side, where Iron Mt Road starts Its a fun road too. We love your pics.... Its like seeing home.. We will be there in a few weeks...
When you came into Keystone from that way, the road just past the parking lot at the lights is the one you take to Hill City... You cant go very fast on it. but some of the turns you can just about see your tail light on... Nice little off the beaten path road. When we found it about 25 years ago, it was mostly beat up seal coat. Its much better rode now. To the Left is Hwy 40 it will take you out to Hwy 79... Its a fun road too then turn south and go just a couple miles and back into the hills on 36. it takes you into Custer park. its at the Entrance on the east side, where Iron Mt Road starts Its a fun road too. We love your pics.... Its like seeing home.. We will be there in a few weeks...

Good to know for next time. Thanks!

Day 8 Continued-

This is gonna be fun...


...gonna ride around it once...


...looking for a good spot...


...then turn around and go back.


Mary in the mirror-


This looks like a good spot.


That dot up in the middle of the clouds...


...yep, that's the drone taking video, here's where we just rode...


...we left it up there and off we rode!


...with Mary taking pics on the bike, while the drone was videoing above.


More of Day 8 in next post.

Day 8 Continued-

After riding a bit and getting some video, went back to where we started (where the drone took off from). Ground view...


...coming in for landing view...


...and walking back to bike to pack it up...


...and ride on down the road.


There's always been traffic here...


...with good reason...


...as you will see, if you've not been here before.


There we go...a closer look of the last 3 shots.


After the view of Mt. Rushmore we took this road a second time...


...then turned down a little side road.


More of Day 8 in next post.

Day 8 Continued-

On down the side road...


...the storm did a number on some of the trees...


...we got about a mile down the road and did not go any further than this. Stopped for a snack and to walk around the woods a bit.


Headed back out a different way, more trees down...


...back on the 2 lane "main" road.


What a great day of riding...


...both for the views AND the curves.


Found another good spot to put the drone up...


Mary's not riding with me this time. She is on the ground flying the drone herself, for the first time...


...she did great, got some good footage following me down the road.


Will post more Day 8 as time allows.

Day 8 Continued-

We continue on down 16A...


...thoroughly enjoying...


...the perfect riding day.


We cut thru just a bit of Custer State Park...


enjoying the curves...


We have seen quite a few deer today...


...a bit closer look.


Before long it's time to take the Needles Highway...


...for more spectacular views...


...and more "fun ahead" signs!


More in next post.


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