Ride Report w/ 100's of Photos & Video - 8 States, 2 Countries & 2 Big Surprises

Day 17 continued-

Riding into Sedona...


...we had seen photo's, and heard how scenic it is...


...but being there is quite another thing.


As we got into Sedona proper...


...the traffic and tourist shops took over.


We found a place to park, and made our way to the Oaxaca Restaurant in the above photo.

The food was great...


...and the company even better!


Walking back to the parking lot...even it is scenic.


As we roll out of town, we wonder where Kurt is taking us next...


...well, we know, he told us "Oak Creek Canyon", but what that is, is yet to be seen.


More in next post.

Day 17 continued-

A look off to the side as we roll...


...out of town...


...toward Oak Creek Canyon Scenic Road...


...that road sign is telling the truth!


This place is amazing...


...the views overwhelming...


...a little look back...


...the photo's do not begin to do justice to what we are seeing/experiencing...


...the views are stunning...


...and the road is fun.


More in next post.

Day 17 continued-

Wow! It just keeps getting better...


...I'm not even tempted to ride fast, the views are too captivating...




...well, we can open it up a little here and there. :)


I know I'm posting a ton of pics from today...but it is only showing a fraction of what we're experiencing...


...I can't believe we've never ridden here before...


...yeah, we had to ride thru some desert to get here...


...but it is worth it!


More trees now, and definitely a cool canyon feeling.




Will post more as time permits.

Day 17 Continued-

Heading up...


...the mountain...


...out of Oak Creek Canyon...


...the road is scenic and fun to ride!


A look back at Sally in her Mustang!


A drop off into the canyon on the left and a rock wall on the right.


And all kinds of...


...Twistys. This is a road that needs to be ridden!


Turning into...


...Oak Creek Viewpoint.


Parking as some other riders are pulling out.


More of Day 17 as time allows.

Day 17 concluded in the next two posts-

A look out from Oak Creek View Point...


...is well worth the stop and short walk.


A helpful fellow tourist took a photo of the four of us-


Looking down at Oak Creek Canyon, that we just rode thru...


...and looking at just 3 of the "layers" of road that we took out of the canyon up to this mesa.


We had a great time out here...searched for dog rock (long story), and Kurt picked out a locally made, copper Bear Claw money clip, which he kindly gave me. :)

Back in the parking lot with the TG's. Kurt takes the '19 for a little spin. The controls are a tad different on the '19 than earlier years.


Back on the road, with a shadow pic...


...on the mesa. Toward the end of the Mesa we are at the outskirts of Flagstaff. Gonna be turning south, onto some highways to burn up some miles...


...on the 17, down a LONG hill.


The sun is getting low, and we are still going down a pretty good grade.


Conclusion of Day 17 in next post.

Day 17 concluded-

A view off to the right at 75 mph-


From the turn off onto the 17 a few miles ago, back to camp, is a 3 hour ride. We're also stopping at a Walmart in Prescott, so we're definitely going to run out of sunlight.

Still headed downhill...


The trees/woods/forest are long gone, but still headed down to the high desert.


A look back at Sally in her Mustang!


A good shot of Mary in the Mirror. Amazing how long we have been going downhill!


Wow, this might be the best shadow pic we've ever gotten!


A shot of Kurt, & we are now on level road...


....another shot of Mary in the mirror as we...


...ride into the sunset.


Last photo. Soon after this the camera battery went dead.


Right after the sun set, we got to Walmart in Prescott. Picked up a few things. When we came back out, it was dark, the remaining 1 hour 20 minutes will be in high desert cold, 2 lanes and twisty.

Mary jumped in the car with Sally and Kurt and I took off.

No photos, no video, no traffic, clear sky, moon was out, and it was one of the most peaceful, in the zone, rides of my life.

Dark, besides the moon and our LED lights, we flew thru the high desert twistys...it was as close to magical as I've ever experienced.

Tomorrow we are going to go see the HUGE Open Pit Copper mine, and learn a bit more about Bagdad, one of the last remaining "Company Towns" in the USA.

Night Ride

Day 17 concluded-

Right after the sun set, we got to Walmart in Prescott. Picked up a few things. When we came back out, it was dark, the remaining 1 hour 20 minutes will be in high desert cold, 2 lanes and twisty.

Mary jumped in the car with Sally and Kurt and I took off.

No photos, no video, no traffic, clear sky, moon was out, and it was one of the most peaceful, in the zone, rides of my life.

Dark, besides the moon and our LED lights, we flew thru the high desert twistys...it was as close to magical as I've ever experienced.

Tomorrow we are going to go see the HUGE Open Pit Copper mine, and learn a bit more about Bagdad, one of the last remaining "Company Towns" in the USA.


The final segment of our second day of riding together was pretty relaxed and peaceful. For the first 30 minutes out of Walmart the mountains were silhouetted against the darkening sky and all there was to hear was the purr of the engine. I have ridden this stretch at night many times and became spoiled and really didn't have an appreciation of how great a ride it is at night until hearing Kevin's reaction to it when we got back to their camp.

It is a whole different experience.

Day 18-

We did not ride today.

Instead we learned more about the town of Bagdad, Arizona, and we went and visited the copper mine.

Bagdad is on of the last "Company Towns". From my understanding (Kurt may clear up/expand) the entire town is owned by the Freeport-McMoRan company.

They own all the houses and commercial buildings in the town.

You cannot live in the town unless you work for the company, or the company decides to let you live there as support personnel for people that work for the company.

Even the school is on company owned property. There is no municipal town government.

The very unique dynamics of everyone either working for the company, or in support of the company, make for a very community oriented atmosphere.

It is a very interesting place. You can do a google search on it to read more. Here is one link that give a bit of the flavor- Bagdad, A Company Town

We went to the mine (the entire reason the town exists) and were blown away by how big it was. It is an open pit mine that operates 24/7.

It is 1.5 miles across and 2000 feet deep.

Photo of Sally, Kurt & Kevin looking across it-


A partial view-


A tire from one of the trucks-


They do not look that big in this photo...


...you might get a bit more perspective in this photo...


...ok, here's a bit closer look...


...look at the difference between the pick up truck on the left and the ore truck on the right...


...there are so many interesting details about this place. For example, none of the equipment is trucked into Bagdad...they are all too big to go down the road. The parts are trucked in and they are assembled onsite.

Here is a good example of how HUGE the equipment is, how big the roads are. That is a full size 18 wheeler on the right.


After visiting the mine, we had a nice meal at the Company Restaurant.

Then, back at the campsite, loaded the Tri Glide back up for our trip home tomorrow.

Later that evening we sat around a fire and had a relaxing time visiting with Sally and Kurt.

This is the end of this report. The rest of the way home is without a camera, no ID, including no drivers licenses.

We have the truck, the trailer, the Tri Glide, cash and our health.

Sounds like all in all you had a good trip even with the Mexico mess. Glad you and Mary got home safe and sound!
Company Town

Thanks for the link to the article Kevin. It was well written and very accurate, We often say there are no secrets in Bagdad which can be good and bad. A little technical info about what is seen in the photos. We refer to each level in the pit as a bench. Each bench is within inches of being 50 feet tall. A loaded haul truck weighs about a million pounds. They are 25' W x 21 H x 43 L with a 21' wheelbase. The tires are 11.5 feet tall. Driving one of these trucks is about like driving a small house around. It seems strange but since everything in the pit is designed for the size of the trucks they lose their size and you pretty much feel like you are driving your car on a regular dirt road. They are a challenge to drive in wet weather.

About living here. Some would say we are isolated which can be seen as a negative. I prefer secluded. We are at the end of a road so if you get here it was a destination which I believe contributes to the low crime rate. Anyone prowling around town is spotted pretty quickly and checked. We are far enough away from the big city to have a quiet and relaxed life but can get to anything we need within 90 minutes and once you get used to it is no big deal. What is remarkable is "the grass is greener effect". People come here and work and live for awhile, then get itchy feet and head off to what they think will be greener pastures. Pretty soon they are back and complaining about having to wait for housing which can be six months. It is a lesson in appreciating what you have.

It was really nice to have Kevin and Mary here for a visit and be able to show off our little town. I feel very fortunate to be here. Next time they come to visit we will camp at the river with them.

Thanks for the Ride Report Kevin.

Thanks for the link to the article Kevin. It was well written and very accurate, We often say there are no secrets in Bagdad which can be good and bad. A little technical info about what is seen in the photos. We refer to each level in the pit as a bench. Each bench is within inches of being 50 feet tall. A loaded haul truck weighs about a million pounds. They are 25' W x 21 H x 43 L with a 21' wheelbase. The tires are 11.5 feet tall. Driving one of these trucks is about like driving a small house around. It seems strange but since everything in the pit is designed for the size of the trucks they lose their size and you pretty much feel like you are driving your car on a regular dirt road. They are a challenge to drive in wet weather.

About living here. Some would say we are isolated which can be seen as a negative. I prefer secluded. We are at the end of a road so if you get here it was a destination which I believe contributes to the low crime rate. Anyone prowling around town is spotted pretty quickly and checked. We are far enough away from the big city to have a quiet and relaxed life but can get to anything we need within 90 minutes and once you get used to it is no big deal. What is remarkable is "the grass is greener effect". People come here and work and live for awhile, then get itchy feet and head off to what they think will be greener pastures. Pretty soon they are back and complaining about having to wait for housing which can be six months. It is a lesson in appreciating what you have.

It was really nice to have Kevin and Mary here for a visit and be able to show off our little town. I feel very fortunate to be here. Next time they come to visit we will camp at the river with them.

Thanks for the Ride Report Kevin.


No doubt, it is an amazing place, and really took some time for all of it to sink in...it is so different, still having a bit of cognitive dissonance when I think of it.

WE REALLY appreciate how you and Sally welcomed us in, and helped us after our "escape" from Mexico. We had a fantastic time visiting and riding some of the great roads.


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