How Many Have Dropped A 2 Wheeler?

Jack Klarich

18000+ Posts
Curious to see how many have dropped a 2 wheel bike?

There are 3 categories

#1, those that have

#2, those that will

#3, those that will not admit it

I have dropped a 2 wheeler, it was 1987. I was drinking and forgot to put my feet down @ a stop sign. The plus to this, I didn't do it again and I quit drinking that day. I have been sober since

So how about y'all;)
If you ride a two wheeler for Any length of time you dropped it whether you were on your driveway or in the garage or in a parking lot or on a sharp turn you dropped it…😜…
Slid my 750 Honda on its side to a stop after riding to fast over a hill and coming upon stopped traffic back in the mid 70's. Dropped my 98 dresser in the drive when I was standing next to it trying to put the kickstand down by leaning it away from me, plus it was lowered so I had to lean it over more than normal. Other than that I have been event free, so far:D
For me it was a #1, I had a 1988 blue Electra-glide Classic, didn't drop it in the garage or driveway, no I did manage to go over at a stop sign. Message to self: Put feet down its not a trike, that's what I got for working with too many trikes. My mother's words when she was alive to me were, "turn that into a trike before you hurt yourself with it".
When I had my Yamaha Venture the ground was to far away and yes I dropped it in the driveway, at a motorcycle resort that was embarrassing but I did like riding that bike.
I dropped a bike once in a Honda dealers showroom ....The bikes were packed so close together when i was walking between them i tripped over a kickstand and down it went....:blush:....No damage except to my ego....
Never dropped a street bike but many times out adventure riding on the trails, it's inevitable.
Curious to see how many have dropped a 2 wheel bike?

There are 3 categories

#1, those that have

#2, those that will

#3, those that will not admit it

I have dropped a 2 wheeler, it was 1987. I was drinking and forgot to put my feet down @ a stop sign. The plus to this, I didn't do it again and I quit drinking that day. I have been sober since

So how about y'all;)

Ain't it the truth !!!! lololol
I did once 16 yrs ago it was the day before my first hip replacement going on the last ride for the year cause of replacement as ridden 150 miles and stopped for gas .woman pulled in get of me about 6 inches from my get tire .I got on the bike went to back it up and couldn't hold it up but on the other pump came running but was to late he did help me send it up .Then he went to the woman and ripped her a new one for parking so close to my bike .I bought the man a beer or 2 to thank him
When I was (much) younger, the 2 wheelers went down lots of times. Riding dirt bikes and enduros, it was expected, or you weren't riding to your capabilities and learning to push the envelope. As I gravitated to street bikes, dropping was much less infrequent (and more expensive) but it did happen. Three times with Goldwings that I remember. Too many times on smaller bikes to count..... Jim

In my younger years, I had way more guts than skill. Hopefully that trend has reversed itself as I got older. Falling has more serious consequences now.....
2 years ago was the last time I dropped my 07 Electra Glide on a trip in PA. Told Mrs Notgrownup the it was time to start looking for a trike. We ended up with our 14 Tri Glide..Still holding on to the 2 wheel because I still enjoy riding it solo but 2 up it’s all about Trike now. Even started looking at upgrading again…
Touring thru the Black Hills and surounding countryside, I dropped my '84 Yamaha Venture Royale. Cruising along at normal highway speed, I came upon a small sign that read "pavement ends" and it ended right at the sign and turned to 3" gravel. Threw my passenger over my head and laid the bike down with me under it. Didn't know how long I was out but an indian gentleman picked the bike up off me and directed me to the nearest hospital. Had to push the bike I don't know how far to get my lady friend some medical attention at an indian reservation hospital, which initially didn't want to treat her because we weren't indian.

Dropped the dirt bikes lots of times. On the street bikes had three, one we were sitting at a florida traffic light and it just fell over, don't know why. Second one we stopped for a butt break in a slanted drive way, put my right foot down so I could hold it to put the kick stand down but it couldn't reach the ground.

My most memorable one was going for a bucket of chicken. No bags so I placed it on the tank. Going to fast thru some AC drain water and slid out. Me and the chicken went flying. I managed to get all the chicken back in the bucket before I landed. Yup, alcohol was involved.
YEP! My monster 850 Suzuki, it was too tall for me, couldn't touch the ground flat footed... (I hate to admit how many time I went down with that bike) and "me" underneath it..............:help:


I've done way more than drop one and have the scars to prove it.

And that doesn't include my racing or dirt bike days.

I used to try to find the limits of my ability. Found them.:blackeye:
Back in the 70’s I low sided my Cb750 coming out of the Lincoln tunnel from Manhattan on the corkscrew smashed my left elbow and to this day I can still feel pain whenever I bang into it…
Dropped my chopped Yamaha 650 in a Mickey D's parking lot in 1980, so embarrassed I skipped that BIG Mac. Ride long enough and you will eventually drop your bike. Be prepared, learn how to pick it up before it's laying on its side.