A Day in the Life...

A couple of days ago I was working late and heard a bunch of thunder outside.

It was a bit late (7:45pm) and figured I'd better head out if I wanted to stay dry.

This was the view south of the shop, before I left....


This was the view east of the shop, before I left....


This was the view about halfway home (headed north)...photo does not do it justice...that's some serious rain up ahead.


As I turned left, off of the interstate, I got a few sprinkles on me during the last 6 miles home.

I was only home 10 minutes when it let loose and dropped at least an inch of rain.

Barely made it! :)


A couple of days ago I was working late and heard a bunch of thunder outside.

It was a bit late (7:45pm) and figured I'd better head out if I wanted to stay dry.

This was the view south of the shop, before I left....


This was the view east of the shop, before I left....


This was the view about halfway home (headed north)...photo does not do it justice...that's some serious rain up ahead.


As I turned left, off of the interstate, I got a few sprinkles on me during the last 6 miles home.

I was only home 10 minutes when it let loose and dropped at least an inch of rain.

Barely made it! :)

See the Big guy looks over souls like us makes you feel pretty good Huh. ride safe :) Fred
It's amazing how the body gets acclimated to different temperatures.

We've been having some cooler days lately. This morning I was COLD on the ride in...and it was 75*. lol

That's what happens after riding for the last couple of months when the temps are mostly in the high 80's and low 90's.

Grabbed a couple of pics on the way into the shop this morning.



Another Wednesday, another night up on Beale Street.

We got there a bit later than the last few weeks...


...and it was cooler than it has been. So we thought there would be a bigger crowd...


...and it did start filling up.


It was after the sun set that most folks started showing up.


Nice sunset this week-


We had another good meal, good conversation, good people and bike watching.

One of these weeks I am going to take a video...it gets pretty loud and raucous after dark.

The bikes are lining up going down the street, looking for a place to park-


Last pic of the night for us, we cut out a little before 9pm for the hour ride home.


Nice evening yesterday so I decided to stretch the dyna a bit. I have a nice 75 mile loop that is all blacktop backroad. Only met 4 cars during the ride. Did pass 2 combines.

So I'm driving along, checking out the crops and dodging the rabbits, when a bee gets caught in my beard and decides to say 'Hi!' Swat him off but the damage was done. Woke up this morning with a lump the size of a golf ball.

Ahhh, the joys of riding... :)
Welcome to FLA, I hear you Kevin I hate and RESPECT lightning

I'm with you on that!!!

Nice evening yesterday so I decided to stretch the dyna a bit. I have a nice 75 mile loop that is all blacktop backroad. Only met 4 cars during the ride. Did pass 2 combines.

So I'm driving along, checking out the crops and dodging the rabbits, when a bee gets caught in my beard and decides to say 'Hi!' Swat him off but the damage was done. Woke up this morning with a lump the size of a golf ball.

Ahhh, the joys of riding... :)

Sounds like a fun ride, apart from the unwanted guest that tried to take up residence. :xzqxz:


Got a few work things done this morning, then I took a rare day off.

Headed for a gun show. :)


Nice of them to remind folks!


Even nicer to have some bike parking up close to the entrance.


After the show I headed over to CycleTherapy, a local Indie shop. They are authorized to do warranty work, some of which I need done.

Dropped the bike there, should be ready for me to pick up the middle of next week.


As I left the shop last night, my "0% chance of rain day" turned into 100% rain. lol

I ride with a modular helmet, but rarely lower it down. For some reason the cold rain seemed particularly "sharp" last night, so I rode "full face" all the way home.

With braking being significantly less effective on newly rained upon roads, I was riding well below my "normal" speeds.

Good thing too- An old white Ford Galaxy pulled out right in front of me. I slowed enough without breaking traction, but if I had been going my normal speed (or even the speed limit), I would have t-boned him.

As it was, I arrived home safely, but very wet.

Another day in the Life. :)


As I left the shop last night, my "0% chance of rain day" turned into 100% rain. lol

I ride with a modular helmet, but rarely lower it down. For some reason the cold rain seemed particularly "sharp" last night, so I rode "full face" all the way home.

With braking being significantly less effective on newly rained upon roads, I was riding well below my "normal" speeds.

Good thing too- An old white Ford Galaxy pulled out right in front of me. I slowed enough without breaking traction, but if I had been going my normal speed (or even the speed limit), I would have t-boned him.

As it was, I arrived home safely, but very wet.

Another day in the Life. :)


Big Guy taking care of us poor souls again Huh.. just sayin Fred
So the last 3-4 weeks I've been riding the Softail and the Sporty.

Last weekend I took the Softail in for some warranty work. It is still there waiting for parts to come in.

We wanted to go up to Beale, and the Sporty is a solo ride, so we took the Tri-Glide.

Wow! After not riding it for awhile it was a "Cadillac Smooth" ride up to Beale Street!

Definitely enjoyed the relaxing ride up & back!


The weather has been mild (mid 80's), and we did not get there any later than normal, but it was quite a bit more busy earlier than normal. Looking west...


...Looking east...


...and looking at a trike with a flat. :(


View from our table.


Big V-8 Trike rolling in...


...couple of young bikers. :)


Folks were rolling in steady all night.


More in next post.
We walked around a bit.

All the Vespa's were parked together...


...folks mod their Vespa's, just like Harley's....well, a little differently. :)


I'd give a penny for the thought behind this mod. lol


Mary at the top of Beale Street.


Big Wheel #1


Big Wheel #2


Folks were rolling in steady all night...


...filling up spots as they opened.

We left around 845 pm and they were still coming in strong.


Another fun night on Beale, PLUS a great ride up and back.

Had a hankering for some real licorice ice cream after lunch. Used to be a couple of places here in town that had it but they're gone. I knew the gift shop in Regent carried some so off to the Enchanted Highway I went.


I stopped for pics at my favs. First up was the hoppers -


Big Mama with trike - gives you an idea just how big these things are. These are mostly the creation and work of one guy - Gary Greff. I met Gary ane day and we talked for 45 minutes. Super nice guy. He's building these to bring more tourists into his little town. Baby hoppers in the wheat -


Gary has 7 done now, is working on number 8, has 10 total planned. Some ND fishing -


Pheasant season is a big event each year for Regent and surrounding area. People fly in from all over the country to hunt up here. Gary offers some guidelines -


Reached my destination. Two scoops please!


Gary started the gift shop to help with expenses. When the town lost their school he made the school into a medieval 'Enchanted Castle' hotel. No one can argue this man's dedication to his town.

On the way home and started pushing some good head winds. Just about the time I decided I should have popped the windshield on, I got nailed by a bee. Second time in a week. I may have to take up drinking...
Had a hankering for some real licorice ice cream after lunch. Used to be a couple of places here in town that had it but they're gone. I knew the gift shop in Regent carried some so off to the Enchanted Highway I went.


I stopped for pics at my favs. First up was the hoppers -

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Big Mama with trike - gives you an idea just how big these things are. These are mostly the creation and work of one guy - Gary Greff. I met Gary ane day and we talked for 45 minutes. Super nice guy. He's building these to bring more tourists into his little town. Baby hoppers in the wheat -

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Gary has 7 done now, is working on number 8, has 10 total planned. Some ND fishing -

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Pheasant season is a big event each year for Regent and surrounding area. People fly in from all over the country to hunt up here. Gary offers some guidelines -

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Reached my destination. Two scoops please!

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Gary started the gift shop to help with expenses. When the town lost their school he made the school into a medieval 'Enchanted Castle' hotel. No one can argue this man's dedication to his town.

On the way home and started pushing some good head winds. Just about the time I decided I should have popped the windshield on, I got nailed by a bee. Second time in a week. I may have to take up drinking...

Very cool pics!

ACK on the 2nd bee sting in a week!!! :xzqxz:
