A Day in the Life...

Got them mostly welded up today. Still have a little to do, here and there...then they need to be clear coated.






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It's been a busy and COLD long weekend!

Hope everyone had a great 3 days!

I got out for a 30 minute New Years Day ride in 20* sunny temps. Was a tad chilly, even with the electric jacket, to comfortably ride any longer. Must be getting old. lol


Gheesh! The tear drop trailer looks heavy enough but the other set-up...I’m surprised that bike can pull that load!
Gheesh! The tear drop trailer looks heavy enough but the other set-up...I’m surprised that bike can pull that load!

Mary and I have looked at those tear drop trailers before...they're light and pretty nice...but don't fold out as big as a tent trailer.

The double trailer set up is crazy. :xzqxz:

Must be out of warranty to pull those!

Yeah, prolly so. lol

Here's one of our Customers Bikes...it was in warranty when they started work on it...not so much anymore. :D


We've had a couple of weeks of unusual cold...Man, it was so nice to ride home last night in 50* temps. :D

It was a bit foggy...stopped to try and get a photo...this one shows wisps of fog floating by.


Yesterday afternoon I had appointments up in Memphis. Got to ride yesterday for over 150 miles in 60* weather. Today it is 64* degrees! :)

But tomorrow we are going to be back in the low 20's with freezing rain and snow!


Snow is a novelty around here. If it actually shows up, may get a video riding in it. :)

Crazy day today!

Left for the shop this morning. Roads had a layer of ice, and then snow on top of the ice.

Tri-Glide handled fine (no abrupt turns or braking), but I kept it below 35 mph.

Normally I do not hear my phone while riding, but about halfway to the shop I heard it ringing. I pulled off the road.

It was Devin letting me know that a truck had slid off the road into a power pole. Result: No electricity at the shop.

So I turned around and headed back home. It was a fun ride, out in the ice and snow. Not something I'd want to do everyday, but fun once or twice a year. :)

Video of the ride this morning will be edited and posted in the next day or so.

Oh, and then when I got home our website server glitched. Was down for about an hour before we got it back up and running.

Quite a day!

Went out to the "heated" home shop today. Had some work to do on the Tri-Glide.



...this is what I saw when I got out there...


...it's been three days since I was riding in the snow and ice, and it has melted off the TG some, but then just froze on the floor!


Obviously the heater for the home shop is not up to the task when it is in the teens outside.

I took these photos, turned around, and went back in the house where it was warm! No work done on the bikes today!!!

Photo from my ride on Friday morning-

