Ceramic Coating

I'm guessing due to the labor intensity, it would be pricey.

I did mine about a year ago, last month I spayed it down at the wand wash and the water still beaded like the day I did it.

Just a few pics

Front Fender.jpg


Right Faring.jpg

Left Rear Side.jpg

The only "washing" I've done is at the wand wash, soap it down, rinse with spot free wash. Dry with my work battery powered blower ... bugs, mug, almost nothing sticks to it after being soaped and rinsed. Did get some tar on it, had to wipe the off with a micro fiber towel, but, that was it.
That really looks good Fuzz, just a ceramic spray job and rinse with the hand wand, thought it was more complicated than that.
That really looks good Fuzz, just a ceramic spray job and rinse with the hand wand, thought it was more complicated than that.

The ceramic coating IS more complicate than that.

1) You do it in the garage or shade.

2)You have to do small areas at a time. On my Toyota, I tried to do too large an area and a couple spots dried before I wiped off the excess. Had to use a buffer and polishing compound to get them off. Then redo that area. Looked like glass on the surface. Two foot by two foot is the biggest I would try.

3) You must de wax the area before applying. I used alcohol and a micro fiber towel.

4) Apply the ceramic with the provided pad.

5) wait about 20-30 seconds wipe off the excess. Again, another micro fiber towel.

Repeat as necessary to get all the trike done.

The spray was the soap at the wand wash after it got dirty with bugs. Then the spot free rinse.

I'm guessing the entire trike took me 10-12 hours over four days. Front one day, Back one day, right one day and left one day. I only had shade in my driveway for about 3-4 hours each morning. The truck took me 8 days about two-three hours a day. Ideally you could do it on a cloudy day, but the stuff takes 12 hours to cure, and technically, it needs to be in the shade that whole time. With clouds could come rain. I worked outside for the better light, and pulled the vehicles in the garage to cure, would of been great to have good lighting in the garage ... but on the black trike an black truck, I needed the better light to do the black.

It's a tedious process, but, the results are stunning.

Here's some of the truck

Mirror Before

Mirror Before.jpeg

Mirror after

Mirror After.jpeg

Rear End, one half done the other not, bet you can't guess which side is done

Rear Split.jpeg

Left Rear before

Left Before (1).jpeg

Left Rear after

Left After (1).jpeg

Like I said, it's a lot of work, but, the results are amazing

Water beading Trike

2019-05-10 10.39.35.jpg

Water Beading Truck

2019-08-01 10.00.57.jpg