can anyone tell me why i should renew my membership to Gwrra next yr?

my membership goes back to the mid 80's but i dont benefit from it other than them telling me where to put and wear my patches.
maybe just me.

i dont think they need my 45$ ---x 80,000 members.
Does this money go to a large bureaucracy?
your call the Gold Book has value. Supporting a pro biker/triker organization is also.
The only reason I stay a member is because of Rescue Plus. I have used it and it is great.

I also have AAA, so I have the benefit of having two options if I break down.

Someone told me that I can get Rescue Plus without the membership, I haven't checked into that yet, but if I can, I will drop my membership.
Now that I have sold my Goldwing, I will be downgraded to an "associate" member for next year.
I probably will let it expire, although I do enjoy the mag and the gold book is a plus.
Now that I have sold my Goldwing, I will be downgraded to an "associate" member for next year.
I probably will let it expire, although I do enjoy the mag and the gold book is a plus.

I would think that since GWRRA incorporated the Trike Riders International you should now be a full member, right? TRI was for all brand of trikes.
I thought about dropping my membership but I do enjoy they're magazine.

Trike Riders International "TRI" no longer exists. They rolled the members who wished to go to GWRRA into its fold. The big "BUT" is that if you own anything but a Goldwing trike you will be an Associate member, NOT a full member. They had to do it that way to abide by the by-laws of GWRRA. :Shrug:
Trike Riders International "TRI" no longer exists. They rolled the members who wished to go to GWRRA into its fold. The big "BUT" is that if you own anything but a Goldwing trike you will be an Associate member, NOT a full member. They had to do it that way to abide by the by-laws of GWRRA. :Shrug:

True, plus ride your Harley to a GWRRA meeting and see how welcomed you are....NOT.
GWRRA is for ALL , and I ride a Rewaco and others in our chapter ride HD , Yamaha , Suzuki and we are all accepted fully.
The brand doesn't matter , it's the company you keep and the fun we have , and if your chapter thumbs their nose at off brands , thumb yours back and change chapters , it's the chapter that snubs off brands not the corporate leaders.
Our GWRRA members welcome any make and model - of course, we are mostly GW riders, and most of us are on trikes, but we enjoy motorcycles of any size and shape, and their riders are most welcome at our chapter's meetings, rides and events!!
Youre right Champ, unfortunately it varies from chapter to chapter and my local chapter and many others I have personal knowledge of across the country by virtue of this website aren't all as welcoming as yours. That was one of the main issues in trying to successfully incorporating TRI & GWRRA. About the same thing as showing up at a HOG Chapter meeting on a Goldwing. The fellowship we have fostered here is unusually good between ALL brands, makes and models.
Trike Riders International "TRI" no longer exists. They rolled the members who wished to go to GWRRA into its fold. The big "BUT" is that if you own anything but a Goldwing trike you will be an Associate member, NOT a full member. They had to do it that way to abide by the by-laws of GWRRA. :Shrug:

The local GWRRA chapter in my neck of the woods told me that Valkyries are also accepted along with the GoldWings.

But I have to agree with the fact that since TRI members were absorbed into the GWRRA, all of those trikes should be accepted with the same benefits as the Goldwing members..
The Gold Book and Rescue plus is why I am with GWRRA a friend of mine was out with friends one week end not on his trike but in his friends Truck. The truck broke down and his friend had no towing at all. My friend having rescue plus called them and they (rescue plus) towed them back home almost 95 miles to his friends house with NO CHARGE at all.

That is why I belong to GWRRA
True, plus ride your Harley to a GWRRA meeting and see how welcomed you are....NOT.

all the GWRRA chapters I have ridden with have no problems with people riding harleys in fact many also have Harleys. I was told by a Harley group that I could not ride with them unless I rode a Harley so I guess it could go both ways It all depends on Attitudes of all involved also depends if the riders are riding for the love of it or just to belong to a group for a status in society
Truly depends on the Chapter, as a number of folks have pointed out. For me the magazine & the Gold Book are well worth the price on admission! I notice a lot more Trike articles in the magazine than ever before. So it does it for me.
I belong and we have all kinds of different bikes in our chapter. Our chapter director rides a Valkerie. Many of our members own several kinds of bikes. We welcome all, however the smokepots ride in the rear!
If you have been a member since the 80's, you qualify for Life Membership and that only cost you $20.00.
You still get all the benefits.
You have to have paid for 20 years and then on your 21st year you become a Life Member.

I became a Life Member last year.
I belong to FL2-G in N. Ft Myers, Fl and Being one of the biggest chapters in the country, I can tell you we do not discriminate, everyone is welcomed. It's not about the brand of bike you ride but the fact that YOU DO RIDE. We have tech days every 3 months, I think that alone is worth the price of admission.
My opinion, which is not worth squat, is, it DOES depend on the local members. I belonged, quit, and re-upped this year. I don't care for the beuracracy at all, I know the top dogs in Phoenix are making boo koo bucks, and the website is full of snotty people. I re-upped to save face amongst a bunch of old members, and friends I have had the pleasure of making. Our chapter lost its director,Craig Harrison, and his wife just could not carry on with the position, so it has changed.I have been asked to become a saftey officer, but I don't have the time to do the position justice. All in all, I am glad to have met the people involved, but I don't have alot of use for the actual "club". They say it's not a club, but an association. I suppose for tax reasons. I don't like the fact that the chapter members get cheezy decals and dirt cheap other stuff, when they work so hard to hold things together,sometimes spending "out of pocket" to get things done. I was a fireman in Arizona when GWRRA started. It was an eletist group of rich old dudes, and rather obnoxious to any "non-wing" riders. I owned a new 1980 interstate, but I didn't like how they treated my friends. Just my experience. jimsjinx
I have belonged for about two years.Never attended a chapter function till a coulpe of weeks ago.We rode to Ellersville ( I think that was the name of the town) I had thought I might be out of place with a trike,but there were three trikes and one Harley.The leader was on the Harley.I had a good time.I think the group I belong to is M.The real deal is I rode with Countryal and his Harley gang one day and the Gwrra the next and had fun both days .:Shrug: