Hannigan Announces F.A.S.T. Triple Trees

Hannigan Announces F.A.S.T. Triple Trees

All “Raked” Triple Trees are not created equal. Most trike riders regard a “raked” front end as an essential option. They reduce steering effort by approximately 60 percent. Many riders do not realize, however, that not all “raked” triple trees are created equal. Hannigan Steer Lite is the only one with Fork Assurance Safety Technology (F.A.S.T.).

Check out these features:

Safety Stop: Positive stop makes it impossible for fork trees to slip in the triple trees, eliminating the possibility of this mechanical failure.

Ease of Installation: No measuring is required to ensure that forks are aligned properly within the triple trees. Saves time, guarantees accuracy.

Ease of service: the unique port makes it possible to add fork fluid without dis-assembly.


For safety and convenience, insist on genuine Hannigan Steer Lite with Fork Assurance Safety Technology (F.A.S.T.).

Hannigan Steer Lite can be used in conjunction with other trike conversion brands also.
Genuine Hannigan Steer Lite – Better by Design

Hannigan Motorsports
Murray, Kentucky