How many time have you been asked why you ride? Well for me this sums it up!

To me I would say that if you have to ask that question then that person has obviously never rode a motorcycle and pulled a bug out from between their teeth.
Uh... it's the freedom, man!

I am an avid reader and bibliophile, and over the years I've collected hundreds of books on motorcycles: histories of motorcycling and of various marques, biographies and memoirs of riders and racers and pioneers, encyclopedias, technical manuals, adventure sagas, true crime, humor, fiction, even a couple volumes of poetry! Of all the motorcycle books I've read thus far (I still have a massive 'to read' pile awaiting my attention) Melissa Holbrook Pierson's The Perfect Vehicle: What It Is About Motorcycles has the best explanation I've found for why we ride. It's a great read, and her other books are pretty good, too.

Since I'm here, I'll recommend another great book. Matthew Crawford was a motorcycle mechanic and electrician, just like me, and his book Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work has some great insights into riding, wrenching, and the importance of skilled labor in our world. I've begun reading another of his books, called Why We Drive: Toward a Philosophy of the Open Road, and so far it's been pretty good, too.
AS I sit here at 6;00AM, with a heater blasting full force, on my body, and a foot and half snow (that fell yesterday) and temps in the lower teens 18* degrees

and my poor TRIKE in my garage, Up on jacks, covered over with a blanket, and a battery maintainer plugg'd in...........:badmood: I now know why I ride, and miss it more than ever!!

Come on April 1st..

At least I still have my snow skies!!!


I question i get asked a lot in Winter is;....Aren't you cold on that thing??

My comeback with a smile is ..No not yet..............

And Not that i would Amit that i was cold to anyone anyway....:D...
I've never been asked why I ride. But if asked asked anything about my bike that's been asked a million times before, I point to my helmet, my ears, point my palms up and shake my head. Seems to answer most of their questions.:)
Not that i would Amit that i was cold to anyone anyway.

Had been cold a LOT in my early riding days, especially when you have frost on your 'stash. Then I bought a heated vest. Keeping your core warm goes a very long way in keeping our hands and feet warm too.