How Many Viet Nam Vets Here?

74-80... Was there when SVN surrendered. Sent to Thailand with a leg wound...don't talk about it much..went to the wall in Washington, DC and cried like a baby. Saw a couple of platoon mates on the wall...
Viet era myself .USAF E4..72-76 quit college joined and 1st choice on dream sheet ...
Viet Nam...wound up in Germany for 4 years. Many thanks to all you who spent time in Nam and thank you. I did my four and left (wife wanted no part of military life)

Since I never saw combat and was never in country..I've never really classified myself as "veteran" although I know I am. I've always felt like 1/2 a vet. True vets were guys who were out there...Never took advantage of the GI Bill and never go to any of these resturaunts that have free dinners for Vets on Veterans Day or stuff like that. I've always felt that was for you combat guys who put your ass on the line. After 40 years, I finally joined the Legion.
anyway..thanks to all you who served
I've read thru all of the post on this thread and it strikes me the amount of military experience that appears here. You should all be very proud of your service. May God Bless you all. I served in the Army from '72 thru '75. Did first year at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation in California, then next 2 years in Germany.
riverrat 69--1097th med boat co dong tam 1-69/july69 mobile riverine force supporting 3/34 artillery,july transfered 5th heavy boat co vuang tau hauling whatever we could put in the lcu 1584 & cruising the mekong delta.THANK YOU!!!!! to everyone that has worn a military uniform-no matter what your mos. "during viet nam era the military was excellent"--but VERY POOR politicans. ("for those who fought for it freedom has a flavor the protected will never know")
'65-'67 Started in the 101st ABN 2/502, C Company. Yeah, it was my C.O. that called in a B52 airstrike and dropped napalm on his own guys. Before the year was up I transferred to 5th Special Forces to be a Tunnel Rat. Got messed up, shot up, blown up, chewed up and spit out. Came home 100% disabled. But that was long long ago, and far far away. Disabled you say??? B.S.... Drove 18 wheeler for 33 years. Now, like the rest of us, I'm in my sixties, reliving my lost youth, and enjoying every minute of it.
Welcome home to all, and Thank You for serving.
In country '69-'72 USMC with MACV-SOG CCN out of DaNang. Landing in Saigon on 25 Dec '69. What a Christmas present. huh?
I am not going to complain about VN or anything else. I volunteered (dumb) to go over but with my MOS I was going to go any way.
RIF'd out of the Corps, joined the Army, and stayed in until retirement.
Best thing I did because to train your troops on how to survive, you had to talk about your experiences. Great therapy (talking about it).
I did how ever get crap thrown at me when we came home. Spent 2 days in the brig for beating the crap out of the guy that threw it.
No matter when or where we or those before or after us have or are still serving, we need to show our support for them. Many of you do that with "hands-on" support with USO, Legion, VFW or other organizations. For those that are hesitant to get really involved, just saying Thank You to those you know have served, IS supporting. Check out the organizations like "Red Fridays. org", "Beyond the Yellow Ribbon", "Blue Star" banner for your family that are serving, etc. It is all greatly appreciated.
Now I'll get off my soapbox.

Ride safe. Pops

Lakota, thanks for being there. I hated those damn tunnels. More than snakes. But, snakes in the tunnel.............
It warms my heart my brothers to know there are a lot of you here! Like most, I really don't want to talk about it, but am accepting it after all these years. A lot of you had it a lot rougher than I did but it just don't matter! Many of you I hope to cross paths with in the future. Yes, sometimes I think I'm trying to recapture my lost youth but you can never go back. I don't ever expect to think of myself as any kind of a hero but at least now I don't feel like a bad person for serving...
I still get pissed when some of you say the AF are not Nam vets because we didn't have boots on the ground. How the fu!!k would you know!! You we're not there with all of us!!!! I was I in Mekong Delta in the ****!! There were AF combat there too. Maybe I took something the wrong way but don't think so. We got shot at, mortars thrown at us as well as 107 and 122 rockets fired on us! As you know these things kill. I had to go out in the boonies also!!!!! Then when you tell people you were there in 70-71 they say, oh you there when it was clean-up. Excuse me but people were still going home in body bags then. Would have been there in 68 but enlisted instead of getting drafted. So was in 4yrs. instead of 2yrs. Plus not everyone was a grunt. Sorry about going off but i'm tired of hearing these.
I still get pissed when some of you say the AF are not Nam vets because we didn't have boots on the ground. How the fu!!k would you know!! You we're not there with all of us!!!! I was I in Mekong Delta in the ****!! There were AF combat there too. Maybe I took something the wrong way but don't think so. We got shot at, mortars thrown at us as well as 107 and 122 rockets fired on us! As you know these things kill. I had to go out in the boonies also!!!!! Then when you tell people you were there in 70-71 they say, oh you there when it was clean-up. Excuse me but people were still going home in body bags then. Would have been there in 68 but enlisted instead of getting drafted. So was in 4yrs. instead of 2yrs. Plus not everyone was a grunt. Sorry about going off but i'm tired of hearing these.

I'm with you, I was an RTO 4th Div 66/67 And had an Air Force FO with me for awhile, ThumbUp He knew planes, I knew 105's
I was in DaNang from Aug 70 until Sep 71. 390 TFS Wild Boars. Was a crew Chief on the F4D. I lived in Gun Fighter Village.I lived thru a lot of rocket attacks after the Marines left. I was never in The bush But I have had several Army/Marines tell me they were glad to see those F4s show up.I am so glad to see the Wounded Warriors for the returning Vets of todays Vets. If we had that support when we come home there might not have been as many noncombat casualty's the last 40 years.