How Many Viet Nam Vets Here?

Vietnam 1965-66

1st Bridge Co. 7th Engineers 1965-66. Base camp about 20 clicks north of DaNang. 60% disability due to complications with Agent Orange. Thanks to all who where there and glad you made it home. Never forget those who didn't.

Semper Fi

Charles Ray USMC
My first post. I was in Dong Hoi, Nam 68-69. I was with 3rd Mar. Div. I was up and down the DMZ fixing artillery, my job 2168. Had to be dropped into a fire fight in Laos one time to apart the largest gun taken in Nam. After we got it back and put back together, I had to give it to the Army. Anyway, welcome home to all you vet's, God bless you all.
My first post. I was in Dong Hoi, Nam 68-69. I was with 3rd Mar. Div. I was up and down the DMZ fixing artillery, my job 2168. Had to be dropped into a fire fight in Laos one time to apart the largest gun taken in Nam. After we got it back and put back together, I had to give it to the Army. Anyway, welcome home to all you vet's, God bless you all.

Welcome to Trike Talk...Al đź‘Ťđź‘Ť..
Viet Nam era vet. USMC 1966-1969 4th Shore Party Bn. No longer in existence. The Battalion was a hold over from WW2. Our mission was to invade beaches and establish a CP for incoming troops. My MOS was 2531, Field Radio Operator (target).
What no P-38's...They must be later ones i don't recognize/remember that variety?...But then again the ones they dropped to us were surplus some even had a Vote for Ike button in the box.:D..

And a Two Pack of Cigarette's.. I would trade those for someones fruit.
And a Two Pack of Cigarette's.. I would trade those for someones fruit.

The short packs....4 in each pack...The full free cartons of cigarettes came in with the sundries' In the once a week re-supply drop.....