How Many Viet Nam Vets Here?


I Corps. Huie gunship driver.

Semper Fidelis

“God bless the man who runs toward the sound of guns” ANON
3 Tours for me!

I spent 3 tours in Vietnam, Republic of, between '67 and '71 with Detachment 6, 38th Air Rescue Squadron based out of Bien Hoa. ALL PJs are mad, you know!

To the myriad of Brothers that have posted, "Welcome Home Brother!"

Air Force

I enlisted in the AF in Jan 1974 at 17 during high school. Started basic 2 weeks after graduation on Flag Day, June 14. Fighter Crew Chief on F-111's at Cannon AFB New Mexico. Then RAF Lakenheath to Crew F-4's. Had the honor to Crew the Wing Commander's jet at both bases. At RAF Lakenheath I was Crewchief for Col. Joseph Kittenger. Really cool officer. Got crushed between the towing vehicle and an F-4 in England. Long story which led to almost a year in the hospital. Finished my tour of duty at Davis Monthan in AZ although behind a desk. Paid the price then and now many years later complications are setting in so the price is even higher. I was not shot at or had to see the horrors of war, but in a small way I can relate to the soldiers who were wounded. I went in as a whole person and came out 4 years later with a bit less of me.

I was gung ho back then and really wanted to go fight in Viet Nam. I was disappointed when they told me no one was being sent over anymore at that time. In hindsight I am truly grateful I did not go in country. I am grateful for those of you who did.

I agree with several posts regarding just who is a true Viet Nam Veteran. Some of us enlisted to go fight. It is not our fault we were not sent over. We would have gone willingly. Does this make me less of a Viet Nam Veteran or just a Viet Nam "Era" Veteran? This is a fuzzy line drawn in the sand.

I would like to hear from other Air Force Vets from that time period. Being Disabled I ride a trike. As long as I can climb aboard my Harley Trike I will be riding!

I can only do this in the great USA because of all of the Veterans past and present. Thank you all.