I did it again

I can't believe I was so stupid again ... :whiteflag:

Apparently I forgot to shut the garage door when I was painting the little trailer's 2" coupler ... I dropped a rah in the garage and bent to pick it up. I rested my left hand on the rear fender to stabilize my old bod and you guessed it ... there are little dots of black paint all over the trat of the trike ... good news ... it appears the ceramic stuff repelled even that ... last time I did this was the 01 yellow wing ... I was painting the work trailer ... took me about 8 hours with isopropyl alcohol and wax to get it back smooth.

Oh well ... I'm guessing a couple hours of work, I'll be back to where I can put new ceramic on it. My dad had a saying ... "Fool me once shame on you ... fool me twice, I'm an idiot".
Use This

Zep Heavy-Duty Orange Citrus Concentrate Degreaser is THE best product there is to remove paint over spray, tar, etc off any surface including painted surfaces and any plastic trim. It is not solvent based and will not damage those surfaces, like the black plastic trim, mirror housings, etc, on bikes and other vehicles.

Solvent based cleaners will leach out the natural oils in plastics and can leave them permanently ashy-white, but the orange citrus oil cleaners like Zep will not. Tried several and Zep is the best.

A pro auto detailer told me about this years ago and I have used it ever since. You can get it at Lowes or Home Depot. I keep a gallon on hand at all times.

Check Lowes Price

Zep Heavy-Duty Citrus Degreaser is THE best product there is to remove paint over spray off any surface including painted surfaces and any plastic trim. It is not solvent based and will not damage those materials, like the black trim on bikes and other vehicles. A pro detailer told me about this years ago and I have used it ever since. You can get it at Lowes or Home Depot. I keep a gallon on hand at all times.

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Thanks ... I will track some down and try it ... I did a small section with a micro fiber towel and alcohol ... stuff came of easy ... but if the zep dpoesn't remove the ceramic ... that means one less step.
Randy, Will that Zep work on "old" overspray as well?

Got a fender and tank for a 48 HD 125 that got overspray on it 5 years ago.

I was planning on sanding/reshooting at some point if/when I get motivated but if this works, it could save some coin...

Sorry for the thread hijack, Fuzzy.:cxtv:
Zep Heavy-Duty Orange Citrus Concentrate Degreaser is THE best product there is to remove paint over spray, tar, etc off any surface including painted surfaces and any plastic trim. It is not solvent based and will not damage those surfaces, like the black plastic trim, mirror housings, etc, on bikes and other vehicles.

Solvent based cleaners will leach out he natural oils in plastics and can leave them permanently white, but the orange citrus cleaners like Zep will not. Tried several and Zep is the best.

A pro auto detailer told me about this years ago and I have used it ever since. You can get it at Lowes or Home Depot. I keep a gallon on hand at all times.

Check Lowes Price

View attachment 74122

Found it on amazon ... be here Monday. Good news, I can use the rest for the truck ... still gotta get it sealed with the ceramic stuff.
Thanks ... I will track some down and try it ... I did a small section with a micro fiber towel and alcohol ... stuff came of easy ... but if the zep dpoesn't remove the ceramic ... that means one less step.

Any mineral spirit/solvent including alcohol will remove more than you want to where the citrus oil concentrates will not. Id go with the Zep as it will be more likely to not remove your ceramic coating. Just spray it on the areas where the over spray is and let it sit a few minutes and wipe it off with a micro fiber cloth. It may take more than one application in some cases, but I've found that the fresher the paint the easier it is to come off.

Randy, Will that Zep work on "old" overspray as well?

Got a fender and tank for a 48 HD 125 that got overspray on it 5 years ago.

I was planning on sanding/reshooting at some point if/when I get motivated but if this works, it could save some coin...

Sorry for the thread hijack, Fuzzy.:cxtv:

Yes it will Pete. I bought a Clark forklift about 6 months ago and it was covered all over in a fine coat of black over-spray and it took it off. The whole thing, including the seat, dash, gauges and controls was covered. It took a total of about eight hours over three days to get it off, but it all came off. It had probably been there for years and being that it was a forklift, I had to apply it multiple times and let it soak and scub it with a extra fine 3M detailer pad but it cleaned up nice.
Make Sure...

If you get it make sure it says "Zep Heavy Duty Citrus Degreaser" That's what you want.
I just checked Amazon Prime for Zep HD Degreaser....$8.32 for 24 OZ.

My local Home Depot has:

$3.49 for a 24 OZ

$11.49 for a Gallon

$29.98 for 3.5 Gallon

Think I will try a 24 oz bottle and see how it works.
I have not used it on plexiglass, or leather, but for years have used it on many painted surfaces of all kinds as well as plastic trim, dash, rubber, etc and it worked perfectly. I researched it big time before I used it and stand behind my recommendation. There are lots of YouTube videos posted by professional auto detailers showing them use it on vehicles paint and trim. I will post a link to one or two of the most popular ones shortly.
Are you saying you can ignore this statement about the product???

Found here on Amazon. Fifth bullet item.

Yes, that is what I am saying. That is there as a CYA.

But if you are the type of person that gets scared by every manufacturer's warning label and wont do your own trials like I have, then by all means dont take my advice. And be sure to never take any form of medication and for Gods sake never ever use a cell phone!