I think I was being set up!

Today I had to go to the store, so I decided to take the trike. When I left the store I put the items in the trailer and headed home. About a mile from the house I had to make a left turn onto my street. About a block from the turn I put my left turn signal on. About a block the other side of where I had to turn there was a car coming towards me. We were the only moving vehicles at the time.

This beater of a car had NO signal light on when I first saw him, so I was preparing to stop to let him go straight and then I would turn behind him. About a 1/2 block from the intersection his left turn signal comes on. Now I'm thinking that since we are both going to be making left turns I have no reason to stop. Just make my left turn and head home.

Suddenly something in my head like a voice starts saying over and over "DON'T TURN!" I slowed way down and the guy in the car went straight. He wasn't planning on turning. When he went past me he just looked at me eye to eye and was laughing real loud!

Had I turned in front of him, he could have broad sided me, turned his signal light off, and told the police I turned in front of him and he couldn't stop. Be careful out there. I'm thinking it's going to be a long summer. I have been riding for many years so I'm thinking that had something to do with me not turning, but in April I took a class and got my Class A CDL. I'm really thinking that some of what I learned about driving semi's saved my butt today. In learning to drive the big one, I saved the little one.
Your alertness saved you....listening to your gut! Good for you! But what a creep he was. There is nothing funny about that at all!
Like Spirt states in here post. It is getting to the stage where you have to think all the time what the guy/gal in front is gonna do next. I had a similiar incident heading into Edinburgh. I am on the inside and this daft lassie thinks she can just come in. She never even looked in her mirrors. take what she got when I pulled up by her side. Dippit cow!!!!:mad:
Anyway what I used to put at the end of my Wingspan report (GWOCGB mag) Be lucky but more important, be safe.
Safe riding all..;)
Reading Spirit Warrior's story I had 2 thoughts. First, it may have been a set-up, though these usually happpen with cars like BMW's, Lexus, Mercedes, etc. and the person in the beater claims personal injury. Would be harder with a trike as the triker would likely get injured for real. Most likely you just met a class A-1 A**hole playing games. :mad: good that you paid attention to your instincts.

Second, many years ago I was told by a graybeard that I should ride like the cagers are trying to run me down. This is more than riding defensively, it is thinking "How is that car driver going to try to run me over?" then acting to avoid it before it can happen. It's not paranoia, it's survival. BTW, I attended that man's funeral after he died in his sleep about 25 years ago - he was 92, he rode until he was 87, and never owned a car. Paying attention to experience like that can keep a person alive.:yes:
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I agree. I very seldom Assume ( Assume= A-- out of U and Me) anything. On a left hand turn I always go after or (behind ) the car turning or going thru. the intersection. I always remember I am going to get the BRUNT of the argument if we even touch. Be careful out there, also when u approach a car coming out a side street watch the front wheel. If it starts to move ( turn or rotate ) hit the horn and get ready to stop.
ONe thing to note. If you directional or breaklights were on when you are in an accident it can be proven. If someone said they had their lights on, if the bulb is broken it can be proven. Just something I picked up doing personal injury cases. Beater or not, I try never to project my morals or situational awareness on others. Idiot or crook until proven otherwise (when I am on my trike!).
About 40 years ago I was in a barber shop getting a hair cut and my Honda thrifty 50 was setting out side and an old man came in and said "Who's little ol scooter is that out there?" I said "It's Mine" and he just shook his head and said "Fastest way I know of to give up your half of the road". I've thought about that many times over the last 40 years and he is right. We have to ride like we don't have the right to be there in order to stay safe.
Glad you were riding like you didn't have the right to be there.
Tulsa, OK
I DO assume!

I assume that every vehicle (motorcycles too, not just cars) that comes toward the intersection is going to pull out in front of me.

I assume that every vehicle coming toward me is going to turn left in front of me.

I assume that the vehicle in front of me is going to slam on his brakes.

More than once on every ride, I am right...but I am certainly not disappointed when I'm wrong.

Ride safe!
Well when you put it that way ( sort of a neg A-- U + ME ) . Yes true I never ASSUME that they are not going to do something stupid and you ASSume they will <LOL> I am not to dissapointed either my Air horns are very loud and I have scared many a CAGE driver. :p
Agreed John,

I have a set of Rivco's on mine that'll scare the bejeezus out of even an 18 wheeler.:eek:

They've literally saved my butt on more than one occasion.:yes:
DAVE if you look in my album and see the 550 (Black ) motorcycle it even had J C Whitney Air horns on it. I won't ride with out them ;)
i drive an 18 wheeler.the ONLY way to drive is think that EVERYONE is a novice driver.drive like you've got very small brakes and it takes a long time to stop.drive like you're being tested on finals and if you fail,it's flipping burgers the rest of your life.drive DEFENSIVELY.:)
Weither riding my bikes or driving my pickup I "NEVER" trust a blinker on
any vehicle "PERIOD" ! Too many people FORGET they left them on or
change their mind at last minute. I have even seen people have blinkers on
and not come in the street I am in BUT the next parking lot AFTER where I
maybe be stopped. I always wait until "AFTER" I see their front tires actually
turn to the direction they are heading before I even decide on a manuver.
Even when people are comming up to a intersection I maybe sitting at and
they let you know just to let you go. Sorry I will wait the extra few minutes
just to be sure. Those few minutes just may add YEARS to my life ;-)
Rob .....
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