Is this normal overheating ???

All GL1800 fans push air forward. The fans on the 2001-05 will cycle on/off from 0-14mph. On the 2006+ they cycle on/off from 0-20mph. The fans on the 2006+ blow considerably stronger, and at times will be variable speed.
Why would you want to do that ???

I wouldn't want to mess with the engineering aspects that Honda has incorporated it's just one of the gentlemen remarks in this tread talked about the stagnant air that it was creating. On my 08 I know once I get into 2nd or 3rd gear the fans will shut off haven't paid much attention to what speed I'm traveling. At a lower speed like first gear they will cycle in and out and I figured this was related to a sensor in the water jacket somewhere that would sense the heat and once the air was cooled in the radiators and made it into the engine this turned the fans off until that portion of cool water heated up.

06 are variable speed???? I assume that speed is determined by temperature of the coolant??

I know on the V8 trike I built I had this issue with radiator fan and found that sucking the air through the radiator was more efficient and better results than trying to push the air through.
06 are variable speed???? I assume that speed is determined by temperature of the coolant??

The 2006-current have variable speed. Unfortunately, knowing exactly what determines fan speed is not known for sure at this level, but I would guess it has to do with temperature. The reason Honda pushes air forward with their fans is to hot air off the rider.
Okay I got a question here reversing the flow of the fan. I assume this is done by turning the fan blades around? Electrically this is not a 3-phase motor thus unless I'm not understanding the electrical portion there's no way electrically you can switch the wires to make that motor run the opposite way correct?

The pitch angle of the fan will not blow air backwards if the motor polarity is reersed