made a luggage rack for the trike.


Gone But Never Forgotten
I do not like to waste anything. I am a scavenger by heart, i will collect any metal I can get my hands on, regardless of size. A couple of years ago a fellow had a wreck in front of the house. Lost a lot of metal. He said I could have it all. I got 4 pieces of 4x6 1/4 inch thick 10 feet long angle steel.
Any how, I needed a luggage rack but really did not want to put one on the trunk. I got a packitrack platform, you will see in a few.
Made my own rack.

Had some 1 inch square 1/4 inch square tubing. Added my special lock I do on all my trailers and hitches. You do not have any movement with this bolt.

I used a a chain with a work load of 1,000 lbs. Made a slot in them for the strap to fit inside the chin link.

This works great. This is the second one I made. I have never encountered any problems.
I know the welds do not look good but it is caused by the black paint and lighting I guess. I am a certified welder. They really look good before I painted them.
What you think. Investment is around $30 total. I got the rack at a swap meet for $20, metal was free and 1 foot of chain was around $4 The rest was made from scraps.
This will work on any trike with a horizontal trailer hitch.
The tag can still be seen in a car/truck. It is kinda hidden from the floor where I took the photos.
I'll repeat myself, it can be seen from a cage, car/truck etc... The camera was on the floor for a better shot that is why it looks hidden.
I have used these racks since 2010 and have never been stopped. I thought I would when I first stated using the packitrack.
I'm envious of you guys who can fab this stuff yourselves--that's got to be satisfying when you end up with a good, functional piece like that. I wondered about the license plate visibility, too, but that last pic clearly shows it to be visible if your eyes are up above the height of the bag. As far as the welds go they're underneath, correct? If so no one will ever see them.

How waterproof do you think it will be?
The bag has a built in rain cover. It has a strap made to the bag and rain cover so it cant get missplaced or come off. I have had this bag go through some long serious down pours without a issue. It is a t bag for touring. Best bag i have ever had. I got plenty of em. The t bag is by far my favorite.
The side pockets come off on both sides and become fanny packs.