Pic Heavy 2016 Ride Report - 40 Days Following the Front Wheel

Day 29 Continued-

More of that "edge of the world" feeling...


...and this one is even crazier! This is how I see Scott & Karin in the mirror, and how Mary catches it with the camera over her shoulder.

It's a really weird feeling when I see sky where I normally see road or land in my mirror!


This photo does a pretty good job of capturing how steep, banked and sharp many of these curves are. :)


This road is like an E-Ticket ride at Disneyland (do they still have those?).


A look back...


...a look ahead...


...a look up at Scott and Karin...


...a look down at the road below. Even though there is a road down there, the drop is almost vertical, and it is quite a ways down.


Coming up to the mandatory brake check...


...he must have heard our engine braking from a ways off, he just waved us both on thru with no check.


There are a lot more pics from today. We are only halfway down, and after Pikes Peak we went to Cripple Creek for the Donkey Races, then we went on this crazy one lane road along the ridge of a hill (mountain?)...it was over a thousand feet down on both sides of the road!

More coming soon.

Nope, nope, nope.... I couldn't have driven this and certainly would not have trusted someone else to drive.
It's like looking at a scarey movie with both hands over your eyes - while peaking through your fingers!

Scarey and awesome - all at the same time!

Fantastic ya'll....Thanks for sharing.

Day 29 Continued-

There are a lot more pics from today. We are only halfway down, and after Pikes Peak we went to Cripple Creek for the Donkey Races, then we went on this crazy one lane road along the ridge of a hill (mountain?)...it was over a thousand feet down on both sides of the road!

Was the road you went on Skyline Drive just west of Canon City? If not, then I'd like to find out where you went, it sounds like a blast. Skyline is a short ride up a one way road, with mountains on one side and huge drop offs on the other side for part of the ride. When you get to the top, it drops off on both sides as you ride on the ridge for a while, but has incredible views.

Thanks for the trip report. It's been a blast to follow!!
Kevin and Mary, I'm new to the community having just purchased my 2016 TG 10 days ago and finding this site. I've been on similar sites in my progression from Sportster to Ultra Classic and now to the TG. Let me compliment you on providing a beautiful service to riders out there who dream of what you and Mary are doing. Your report/blog is more addictive than serial TV (GoT). I've been monitoring the site and report for a week before registering. Not only am I hooked but I've shared the link with several of my friends, who don't own trikes but love to travel. We agree that your blog is like a novel - a page turner that you cannot put down. This 40 day trip has been filled with excitement, adventure, beauty, enlightenment, heartache, tragedy and appreciation for the sights, sounds, smells, of the U.S. and its people. Who needs reality TV - we have Kevin and Mary on the road again and eagerly await the next post. Your reports are allowing people to live vicariously through your adventures and maybe giving them a spark to do the same (ok maybe a shorter trip than 40 days) or giving them a respite from their daily grind at work.

For this, I thank you.

Since I'm caught up on this current trip report, I've been looking at your others, and have been viewing the Fall Colors trip in 2014. Besides leaving me in wonderment, I've been left with many basic questions about touring as you do.

1. You appear to ride between 250-450 miles a day and up to 10 hours. How often are you stopping rest your aching hind parts and joints and for how long?

2. What is your secret in consistently riding so long day after day? Has to be more than your sheepskin. My seat is screaming after 90 mins and a stop for 20 mins barely gives relief. Do you have to somehow condition your rear end by riding more and more hours like working up for a marathon?

3. Your reports have started with a picture of the many things you're going to pack into your TG and I'm interested in what is actually in all of those small colored bags. What's your typical packing list?


What tools are you carrying in that bag tool bag of yours?

5. Are you and Mary using the trikes intercom to communicate over all those many hours in the saddle?

...and many more questions arise every day.

Thanks again for your reports and I pray for your safety between posts. My condolences on the losses of your father-in-law and dear friend, Larry.

Sorry for length of post - but it was actually cut down from all that I had to say.

Kevin and Mary, I'm new to the community having just purchased my 2016 TG 10 days ago and finding this site. I've been on similar sites in my progression from Sportster to Ultra Classic and now to the TG. Let me compliment you on providing a beautiful service to riders out there who dream of what you and Mary are doing. Your report/blog is more addictive than serial TV (GoT). I've been monitoring the site and report for a week before registering. Not only am I hooked but I've shared the link with several of my friends, who don't own trikes but love to travel. We agree that your blog is like a novel - a page turner that you cannot put down. This 40 day trip has been filled with excitement, adventure, beauty, enlightenment, heartache, tragedy and appreciation for the sights, sounds, smells, of the U.S. and its people. Who needs reality TV - we have Kevin and Mary on the road again and eagerly await the next post. Your reports are allowing people to live vicariously through your adventures and maybe giving them a spark to do the same (ok maybe a shorter trip than 40 days) or giving them a respite from their daily grind at work.

For this, I thank you.

Since I'm caught up on this current trip report, I've been looking at your others, and have been viewing the Fall Colors trip in 2014. Besides leaving me in wonderment, I've been left with many basic questions about touring as you do.

1. You appear to ride between 250-450 miles a day and up to 10 hours. How often are you stopping rest your aching hind parts and joints and for how long?

2. What is your secret in consistently riding so long day after day? Has to be more than your sheepskin. My seat is screaming after 90 mins and a stop for 20 mins barely gives relief. Do you have to somehow condition your rear end by riding more and more hours like working up for a marathon?

3. Your reports have started with a picture of the many things you're going to pack into your TG and I'm interested in what is actually in all of those small colored bags. What's your typical packing list?


What tools are you carrying in that bag tool bag of yours?

5. Are you and Mary using the trikes intercom to communicate over all those many hours in the saddle?

...and many more questions arise every day.

Thanks again for your reports and I pray for your safety between posts. My condolences on the losses of your father-in-law and dear friend, Larry.

Sorry for length of post - but it was actually cut down from all that I had to say.


In his Alaska trip ride report he covers the little colored bags and lots of his other ride secretes, not to mention there is some gorgeous pictures ... make yourself some popcorn, get a drink and enjoy ... it's a long ride report but so worth the time.
All I can say is... WOW! ThumbUp

Yeah, us too!

Nope, nope, nope.... I couldn't have driven this and certainly would not have trusted someone else to drive.
It's like looking at a scarey movie with both hands over your eyes - while peaking through your fingers!

Scarey and awesome - all at the same time!

Fantastic ya'll....Thanks for sharing.


Glad you're enjoying, and I bet you would do just fine once you were on the road!

The Rockies ARE pretty much all an E Ticket ride.

Yeah, you got a point there!

Was the road you went on Skyline Drive just west of Canon City? If not, then I'd like to find out where you went, it sounds like a blast. Skyline is a short ride up a one way road, with mountains on one side and huge drop offs on the other side for part of the ride. When you get to the top, it drops off on both sides as you ride on the ridge for a while, but has incredible views.

Thanks for the trip report. It's been a blast to follow!!

Yes, that is it. Very short, but impressive road!

Kevin and Mary, I'm new to the community having just purchased my 2016 TG 10 days ago and finding this site. I've been on similar sites in my progression from Sportster to Ultra Classic and now to the TG. Let me compliment you on providing a beautiful service to riders out there who dream of what you and Mary are doing. Your report/blog is more addictive than serial TV (GoT). I've been monitoring the site and report for a week before registering. Not only am I hooked but I've shared the link with several of my friends, who don't own trikes but love to travel. We agree that your blog is like a novel - a page turner that you cannot put down. This 40 day trip has been filled with excitement, adventure, beauty, enlightenment, heartache, tragedy and appreciation for the sights, sounds, smells, of the U.S. and its people. Who needs reality TV - we have Kevin and Mary on the road again and eagerly await the next post. Your reports are allowing people to live vicariously through your adventures and maybe giving them a spark to do the same (ok maybe a shorter trip than 40 days) or giving them a respite from their daily grind at work. For this, I thank you.

Since I'm caught up on this current trip report, I've been looking at your others, and have been viewing the Fall Colors trip in 2014. Besides leaving me in wonderment, I've been left with many basic questions about touring as you do.
1. You appear to ride between 250-450 miles a day and up to 10 hours. How often are you stopping rest your aching hind parts and joints and for how long?
2. What is your secret in consistently riding so long day after day? Has to be more than your sheepskin. My seat is screaming after 90 mins and a stop for 20 mins barely gives relief. Do you have to somehow condition your rear end by riding more and more hours like working up for a marathon?
3. Your reports have started with a picture of the many things you're going to pack into your TG and I'm interested in what is actually in all of those small colored bags. What's your typical packing list?
4. What tools are you carrying in that bag tool bag of yours?
5. Are you and Mary using the trikes intercom to communicate over all those many hours in the saddle?
...and many more questions arise every day.

Thanks again for your reports and I pray for your safety between posts. My condolences on the losses of your father-in-law and dear friend, Larry.

Sorry for length of post - but it was actually cut down from all that I had to say.


Congrats on your new Tri-Glide, and welcome to the Forum! ThumbUp

Glad to hear you're enjoying the report. Thank you.

Answers to your questions...and as Fuzzy says there is also more details in the Alaska report and the Bella Coola report-

1. We generally stop every 2-3 hours. Usually for around 10-15 minutes, except the 2nd or 3rd stop of the day when we have lunch and that is usually 30 minutes or so. These stops are mostly for gas, eating, water, changing batteries in camera & video camera more than because we are uncomfortable. BUT, because we do stop and move around, I think that is one of the reasons we don't get uncomfortable.

2. The first thing I did when I got this Tri-Glide (and really any bike) is make sure it is comfortable for all day riding. For a full look at what we've done you can view these two links- ONE & TWO where I detail in words and pics what mods we've done.

But specifically, the things we do to make it more comfortable:

-Relocate the Tour-Pak further back so Mary has more room
-Install a backrest for me
-I use a Airhawk seat pad under the sheepskin, Mary is just fine with the sheepskin
-Mary has the Adjustable Passenger Pegs that give her a multitude of foot positions
-I have floorboard extenders and highway pegs that also have heel rests, without those three items I would go bonkers after any length of time
-Get handlebars that put my hands in a comfortable/natural position, so nothing is straining as we ride, I also use ISO grips, they are more comfortable than any others I have tried
-Comfort Lift brackets for the rear shocks that make for a much smoother ride & easier steering
-Find the "sweet spot" for the psi in the air shocks. As little as 2 lbs can make a big difference in how well they absorb the bumps
-Run 22 psi in the rear Tires, that will give a much softer ride than 26 psi

I know some guys that just take aspirin or ibuprofen when they are doing long days. And I have done that on occasion in the distant past. I have found that the combination of the above is very effective at making us both comfortable for full day riding, day after day, no aspirin needed. :)

I know my response is getting long, but this is important for fully enjoying our expensive TG's...

Most of the time when I am riding there is a fair amount of weight being displaced onto my feet and my back, so that there is not as much on my butt. Getting the "comfort triangle" (feet, hands, butt) set up correctly is very important. It is different for everybody, but I lean on my backrest a lot, and in doing that it puts me in a bit of a reclining position which allows for more weight to be on my feet on the highway pegs or heel rests.

3. Our packing list...oh my!
Two of the bags have vitamins in them.
One has all our cold weather gear and rainsuits.
One has all the charging adapters, USB wires, laptop power cord, etc.
One has all my clothes
Three of them have Marys clothes
Two have food, granola bars, sunflower seeds, gum, etc.
One has E-cig supplies

We also have an overnight bag (toiletries) that unrolls and hands up with pouches in it for easy access. (the black one in the photos)

That's all I can think of right now. We break them up into the smaller bags because they are easier to pack into the trunk & tour pak, taking up all the nooks and cranny's, plus they are easier to find stuff in, in the motel room.

I can't begin to tell you what all Mary brings clothes-wise, but here is my list, and it is the same whether I am on the road for 1 week or 7 weeks.

I take 3 t-shirts & 2 pair of underwear...Target brand of underarmour style (high-tech material). These wash quickly and easily in the motel sink and dry just hanging in the air in a few hours. They also pack up very small. I take 2 pair of Muck Boot socks. Same thing, easy clean and dry in motel.

Pack 1 pair of jeans & 1 pair of short pants, flip-flops, and one long sleeve shirt, & one button up shirt.

4. Rather than list all the tools, here is a photo-


5. We do not use intercom. I've asked her a few times if she wanted to, she says we talk enough already. lol
If I need to talk to her I bump my left elbow on her knee, she leans forward, I lean back a bit and that does the trick. She'll tap me on my left shoulder if she wants my attention.

In his Alaska trip ride report he covers the little colored bags and lots of his other ride secretes, not to mention there is some gorgeous pictures ... make yourself some popcorn, get a drink and enjoy ... it's a long ride report but so worth the time.

That was an memory making trip for sure! :)

Next time you come to Idaho we will go ride this curvy road. !!!ThumbUp


Trent! You've been holding out on me!!! Where is this road???

Yes, let's ride it 2, 3 or 4 times! :)

Day 29 Continued-

Continuing the ride down from Pikes Peak, sometimes the road is curvy and feels like a symphony with the rhythm of the road...


...this road, more often, is sharp, banked and steep turns...


...which are a ton of fun!


A look behind. We are having a blast riding with Scott and Karin.


We pulled over at the side of the road where there was a waterfall (and then forgot to take a pic of it! lol ) to stop for lunch.


We sat on those covered hay bales and ate lunch, watched the cars and bikes going thru the corner, and had a good time talking.


After eating, walked just a bit into the woods...


...near a small stream.


Resumed the ride down the hill, Scott is back leading.


As we got closer to the bottom we started seeing a bit more traffic.


More in next post.
Day 29 Continued-

Back at the starting point of the race that is happening tomorrow.


We passed a bunch of the cars racing tomorrow...


...another one.


Cages....slowing us down in the curves. pffft


We stopped at the North Pole, put our helmets back on and we're off to Cripple Creek for the Donkey Derby Fair!


The road to Cripple Creek was curvy, scenic...


...pretty much cage free, a lot of fun...


...and steep, as we climbed over our second pass of 10,000+ feet today.


Coming down the hill, into the "valley" where Cripple Creek is.


What a great day of riding it has been so far!


More coming soon.

If You are still in the Cripple Creek area and don't mind gravel roads consider taking Gold Camp road or Phantom Canyon. Spectacular scenery along with road.
Day 29 Concluded-

Besides the mountain pass to get here, besides what a fun road it was getting here, Scott and Karin brought us to Cripple Creek today because of the Donkey Derby Fair that is being held here.


While we did not stay for the race, we did see more donkeys in a day than I ever had before...


...we had an enjoyable time walking thru all the fair shops set up on the street.


Still don't know exactly what a Donkey Derby looks like, or why they need stations...maybe next time. :)


Leaving Cripple Creek...


...the land is scenic...


...free of traffic...


...and has some really nice curves and elevation changes. Some roads are a bit boring, some a bit frantic/adrenaline flowing, this one has some really nice stretches where you just get into the comfortable groove of flowing with the curves.


More in next post.
Day 29 Concluded-

After we left Cripple Creek, I thought we were headed back to Colorado Springs.

It was a bit of a surprise when Scott signaled left turn and we pulled thru here.


Not being sure what to expect...but it did not take long to realize where we were.


Being one way, it wasn't like we could turn around anyway...j/k, everywhere Scott and Karin have taken us to has been fantastic, and this was too. A look back-


I had mentioned to Scott that we'd like to ride Skyline Drive. CSI had described it to us and it sound like something we'd like to experience. Here we are!


Many of the photos I have posted from earlier today look more dramatic than they felt while we were actually riding them.

These photos look LESS dramatic than it felt while we were riding.


This is a one lane road, along the ridge of a mountain. It is well over 1000 feet down on both sides. Very interesting feeling!

A look back-


I think the video may convey a bit more of what it was like up there.

To watch the short Video, click HERE.

It will open in a new window and you can make the video larger by click the little arrows in the bottom right.

Headed down the other end-


More in next post.
Day 29 Concluded-

After coming down off Skyline Drive we rode into Canyon City and stopped for some gas.

It has only been 141 miles since leaving Colorado Springs almost 8 hours ago.

We've ridden up to Pikes Peak at 14100 feet, back down, then over to Cripple Creek and on to Canyon City.

Temps have gone from 80 to 50 and back to 90 this afternoon.

I am super pleased with how well the TG is running and very pleased with the MPG it is getting! Averaged almost 40 mpg over these last 141 miles. :)


Now we are headed back to Colorado Springs. Not long into the ride back we saw this-


But we decided not to put on the rain suits. It was warm, and still quite a ways off.

Plus, as we twisted and turned on the ride back, it looked like it was staying off to our right. Sort of. lol


With the clouds and the close by storm it was cooling off nicely also. As with everywhere else we have been following Scott & Karin, this was a really fun road!


As we entered the outskirts of Colorado Springs it started raining a bit...


...by this time the temps had dropped into the low 70's also. Scott and Karin had further to go to get to their home than we did to the Super 8. We stopped while they put on their rain suits.


We were just a few miles away from the motel. Looking back at Scott and Karin. Those Stealth LED Driving Lights are very noticeable! :)


We turned right toward the motel as they kept straight toward their home.


WOW! What a day! Only 200 miles, but what an amazing 9.5 hours & 200 miles!

Yesterday and today was kickstands up at 9 AM, tomorrow is a short riding day, but because of the weather forecast, it is kickstands up at 8 AM!

Day 30 coming soon!

Skyline Drive looks like a neat little road... very unlike Skyline Drive over here on the East Coast In Virginia. Ours is just a twisty mountain ride with lots of tourist and overlooks.