Pic Heavy Ride Report - MS to Bella Coola & Back 11,000 Miles Heat, Hail & Bears

That will be one road you will never forget! I'm envious of your entire trip. wishing you continued safe travel.
I really envy you. We will never be able to do anything like this due to our home circumstances. I can say this though. If we are ever able to get another camper, it will be a toy hauler, so I can take the TG with us wherever we go. When we retire, we will be doing a lot of camping. Taking our two special needs (by that time) adults won't be a deterrent for camping.

I can always ride when we get to our destinations, wherever they may be.

That sounds like a great plan!!! ThumbUp

Nothing but awesome!

+1 on the awesome

ThumbUp :Agree:

Yeah, amazing land and fun road for sure!

Scary road ... I thought Tioga pass was bad

Tioga Pass was great! It was paved. lol The funny thing about this road is the emotion/concern the pics and the video triggered in me. While on it, there was not the slightest concern...somehow it looks far more dangerous than it is. NOW...that said, the folks in Bella Coola travel it year round...that mean in the snow and ice.

While we were on it there was never a question of traction...so basically you would have to purposely steer off the road to get in trouble. But in the compromised traction of snow and/or ice, I don't think I would have ANY interest in traveling it in any vehicle!

That will be one road you will never forget! I'm envious of your entire trip. wishing you continued safe travel.

That is sure, definitely made some good memories!

We stayed in Bella Coola two nights....most of one day, all of the next, and half of the third day.

The left half of this building was our home base while there. The Bella Coola Motel is owned and operated by the NuXalt Nation.


After unloading, and going to the end of the road, we then went to the Bella Coola Museum, no cameras allowed inside.


Amazing stuff from Mckenzie and the Norwegians who settled the land (other than the Indian Nations that were here long before the Europeans). Also a great history on the road to Bella that the locals built on their own, with their own money (to start with...the Canadian Government refused to help at first).


After the Museum, we went to the grocery store and bought food for today and tomorrow.

Hit the information center. Mary wanted to go on a tour that would takes us to see some bears. Was referred to several different tour guides. 2 of them are currently closed, the third one, Leonard, was there. We talked to him for a while. He is not currently doing any tours, but gave us some tips on where we could go. Since the probability is low of seeing bears right now, we asked about fishing. He gave us a few spots to go, then lent us his nice rod and reel.

We went down to the store, got a license and a tag (the salmon are just starting to run). While there we met John Edgar, a local Indian, in the parking lot. Got to talking to him, ended up making arrangements to go fishing with him at a few of his favorite spots. He'll be here at 10 am to pick us up. He also helped us pick up the preferred tackle for the fishing we'll be doing.

Got back to the motel, pulled off the lightweight line from the rod, put 40 lb line on it. We're ready to go.

Next day-

John Edgar of the NuXalt Nation showed up at 10 am and took us to his fishing spot.


We fished, learned a bit more about him and Bella Coola.


He then took us over to the falls...




...saw the hydro electric plant that powers the entire valley...


...we then went down to the sea. Spent a lot of time talking and learning of his ways.


More in next post.
Time in Bella Coola continued.

While at the little picnic area down by the sea, John related to us the stories of the Sasquatch, including the time he saw one.


Heard stories of bear encounters, including when John was 20 feet from a grizzly that just walked by him and his friend.


Went to another fishing spot...


...had lunch & fished some more...it's just too early for the Salmon.


We had a great time learning and casting, appreciating the beauty of Bella Coola...


... and learning about the NuXalt Nation.


Went back to the motel...after we stopped by Johns house where he got some prawns and smoked salmon that he shared with us.


A bit later we rode 15 KM up the road to Leonards and returned the fishing pole to him, along with the new 40# line we had put on it. Here are a couple of pics along the way.


Sun is starting get get low.


We took one last ride back down to the sea, and sat and just was in awe of the mountains surrounding this harbor.

This is a Panoramic pic...might get a better view of it if you click on the pic.


Tomorrow we go back up "The Hill", back to Nimpo Lake.

what a great experience to spend time with the locals and listen and learn from them. Better then anything you can get from a book...
Great ride report with great commentary and excellent photos. Thanks you and Mary for taking the time and effort to share your experiences. Once I retire in a few years I hope to have the Tri Glide set up the way I want and start traveling with my lovely wife. Thank you again for sharing your travels and adventures.
Just caught up with all your posts. Wow, what a trip you both are on. I certainly enjoy reading about all you are doing. As others have reported, "It's like taking the trip with you" I guess you can say, I am now an armchair traveler.
what a great experience to spend time with the locals and listen and learn from them. Better then anything you can get from a book...

So very true. Learned a lot talking with John Edward.

Great ride report with great commentary and excellent photos. Thanks you and Mary for taking the time and effort to share your experiences. Once I retire in a few years I hope to have the Tri Glide set up the way I want and start traveling with my lovely wife. Thank you again for sharing your travels and adventures.

Glad to hear you are enjoying. Getting it set up how you want, and getting some trips planned out...that is almost as much fun as taking a trip and will help the time fly til you can get out there!

Just caught up with all your posts. Wow, what a trip you both are on. I certainly enjoy reading about all you are doing. As others have reported, "It's like taking the trip with you" I guess you can say, I am now an armchair traveler.

Thank you, glad you are enjoying.

That big windshield you've had on there for this ride...is it an LRS? Looks to be about a 15 inch.

Still loving the scenery. Thanks for taking me along. :)
Day 25

Even though we only traveled 100 miles from Bella Coola to Nimpo Lake today, it was a very full day. Had 874 pics to go thru. I am going to try to whittle it down to 60 pics.

I have the first 20 done...so here we go.

About half of the distance we traveled today is in the Bella Coola Valley, headed toward The Hill. It is absolutely breathtaking.

How would you like to have this view from your backyard....


...or this view?


Headed thru the Bella Coola Valley....


...is just one post card view after another...


...when traveling, I often think about how nice it would be to live in a place like this...


...but then I remember, or am reminded, it gets WAY TOO COLD in the winter. :)


But it sure is nice to visit, and ride the amazing roads. In this pic, if you look closely, you can see 6 curves, just in this little section.


This is Big Country!


The road from Bella Coola, all the way to the foot of The Hill, is a good surface, great curves, and amazing sights!


More in next post.
Day 25 continued-

We are still in the valley and saw a little turn-off...


...if we still had the fishing pole we could have done a bit of fishing without even getting off the bike. :)


Getting close to the end of the asphalt and the beginning of "The Hill"....


...looking back, toward Bella Coola. This has been an amazing couple of days in a still pretty much hidden part of the world.


Even though Mary chose this place because of the highest concentration of bears in NA, and we have not seen one...


...it has still been a great time, and we're both very happy with her finding out about it.


Here we are. When we came down the hill, we had a lot of respect for it from the videos we had seen.

Going back up it, we also have the stories John Edwards has told us about The Hill. He is a fire fighter in Bella Coola, which means he is also Search & Rescue. More than a few have gone off the side of the hill, and most do not live to tell about it.


This is Atnarko Slough, at the foot of The Hill, also where there have been quite a few reports of sightings of a Sasquatch.


79 km to Nimpo Lake, 62 of which are gravel road. :)


Gate is open, road is dry, camera battery is fresh, and the bear spray is bungied to the Tour Pak Rack for easy access.


Day 25 to be continued.

Day 25 continued-

It was a fun ride down the hill. We are really looking forward to going back up it, and seeing it from a different perspective.

Here we go!


First big curve...


...then there was a pretty bumpy hill. We had to pull over. This pic is looking back.


The bear spray was not staying in place under the bungie cords on the rack. We had heard so many stories, and been out in the woods all day yesterday with John Edwards.

Most folks in Bella Coola do NOT carry bear spray when out in the woods...if they run across a bear, they just put their hands above their head and "make themselves Big".

So we put the bear spray in the Tour Pak.


Looking down the side of the road near where we stopped...that's a long way down, and we just barely started.


Back on our way!


Yes, the road is as narrow as it looks here.


Mary's view off the side...


...these pics were taken while we were riding, not pulled over. The road gets pretty narrow in places, & yeah, that's a LONG way down!


And in others, like at this switchback, it gets really wide. But you can see up ahead, it narrows done again right before the blind curve.


More in next post.
Day 25 continued-

There's a pretty good reason for the "Slow" sign. The road is already narrow, but in the middle of the curve, there is NO possible way for two vehicles to pass.


These areas where the road is cracking on the edge give Mary the willies.


This is Mary's view as we're riding...it is not mine!


This is my view. I look where I want to go, so I do not really see off the edge like she does while we're riding.


Mary's view again. I'm really proud of her getting over her fear of edges the last few years.


Some of the steeper part of the hill...


...but nice and wide, with no bad cliff edges.


This is a fun road. It is a bit rougher today than the day we went down. Not sure if the road changed, or if it is just the different geometry of going uphill that is making it a rougher ride.

It is starting to narrow down again here.


Another switchback.


Some more edge of the road cracking.


Day 25 to be continued soon.

Man I do love the pictures! Have you ever thought of adding some short video clips of some of these switchbacks? A GoPro with remote would be the perfect tool. :)
Man I do love the pictures! Have you ever thought of adding some short video clips of some of these switchbacks? A GoPro with remote would be the perfect tool. :)

Not a GoPro, but here is a short video of the ride down the hill. (see my post below)

Tomorrow, or the next day, I'll be posting a longer video of the ride back up the hill. :)

what an awesome ride report! I've loved reading all about your road trip. I've ridden some of the same roads & seen some of the same places. I really like how you presented it & catalogued your ride information with all the pictures. You've given me ideas on how to better save all my info for my next ride. Good job!!
ooops, forgot to put the video in the post above-


- - - Updated - - -

what an awesome ride report! I've loved reading all about your road trip. I've ridden some of the same roads & seen some of the same places. I really like how you presented it & catalogued your ride information with all the pictures. You've given me ideas on how to better save all my info for my next ride. Good job!!

Thank you! Absolutely amazing riding and views up in Canada!

You've done a great job with this thread it's almost like being there !

Thank you, glad to hear you're enjoying.
