Question on the gremlin bells.

Now that I don't have hangers in the back of the trike has anyone figured out where to place my nice shiny silver gremlin bells. All suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks:)
IF you still have our Kick stand hang it from the spring. The bell should be as close to the ground as possible. You didn't buy it yourself did you?<img src="images/smilies/tongue2.gif" border="0" alt="" title="blowing a raspberry" class="inlineimg" />
Gremlin bells, bike bells or whatever you call them are an old tradition. They supposedly keep the gremlins away that cause breakdowns, crashes and generally bad juju on your ride. They don't work unless they are freely given, and should be put on the bike as far forward and as low as possible to keep the gremlins from getting on the trike at all, as they can't abide the sound of the bell and will stay away. In the old days before the marketing types got into the act with chrome and little cards to sell you on the bell and angels, logos, cute sayings and such on them, the bells were almost always brass. Usually bought at flea markets, found in grandma's junk drawer or the like. <br /><br />
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I have had one on every bike and trike I've owned. Never even hinted that I wanted one to anybody, was just given them. Was given my first one by a friends dad (A M/C "gang" member - 1st 1%er I knew) when I was 8 years old (I'm 53 now) for my Rupp minibike and told about the gremlin deal. It was, and still is, a large round sleighbell, about 2 1/2" in diameter. That bell is on my Harley in the garage as I type.<br />
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The one on the Goldwing was given to us by a guy at a rest stop in Iowa right after we got the trike.

We were talking bikes (what else?) and he noticed there was no bell on the bike. Seems he was just at a yard sale and bought 2 bells, and gave us one for Her Purpleness. It r3sides on the front of the left side engine guard. A friend has his attached to the rubber part of the front fender extension.<br /><br />
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Everytime I see mine or hear it jingle I know that someone thought enough of me to give me a token that they wish me the best. Think what you will about gremlins, silly superstition, or whatever, what they _really_ mean is that someone likes you, is thinking of you and is concerned for you.
Mine is fastened at the front about where the frame and the footboard bracket come together. It was given me by friends years ago and has always stayed in that spot.
geessssssssssssss I know the history of the bell on the bike all I wanted was to find a location for it being the helmet hooks are gone now. Thanks for the history lesson anyway. Still can't find a place for it. Don't have no stinking bumper either. Thanks Guys.
looking at the TRIKE looks like the only place is at the bottom of the front fender mud flap. a tiny hole and a piece of wire. forgot you had the floor boards. No trailer hitch either right?
geessssssssssssss I know the history of the bell on the bike all I wanted was to find a location for it being the helmet hooks are gone now. Thanks for the history lesson anyway. Still can't find a place for it. Don't have no stinking bumper either. Thanks Guys.

:eek: sorry about all that... That was something I had written and saved - Iwas going to edit it down to just suggest a place to hang the bell.

I have got to stop getting up at 2 in the morning if I can't sleep and posting.
I just hung mine on the cables/wires on the left handle bar.Now I find out it aint'low enough!!!!!!!!!LOL That is one sharp trike photo by the way.The bell was given to me by a fellow fireman that drove a long way to meet up with me.Really meant a lot to me that he would go out of his way to give me one. I have to say, a few little gremlins have shown thier craft since I got it, but most h***les were relativly minor fixes! Right now I need to hang one or two on my rear suspension,as I am having some alignment issues!LOL Happy Sunday everyone. jimsjinx
did you find a place or not?
Mine is hung at the rear of the bike from the safety hooks on either side of the hitch. (Where you clip your safety chains) I used a big key ring to attach it. I know some other juyes who have it at the lower part of the steering head, and holding it with a zip-tie. Others have them under the bike someplace behind the motor. but there during winter tear-downs. very hard to find. I dont know where my bell is at anymore on my other bike. I can hear it every once and a while, but I dont remember where I put that stupid thing. (Round /brass /slay bell) You can hear it when you move it around the garage. nobody can find it.

Personally, the things are a bit silly, but seing as its someone else paying, who cares....
That is exactly where I ended up tie wrapping mine too. The safety hook holes on the hitch. Thanks to one and all.
Look what I found.

Legend also has it that the mystery of the Guardian™ Bell carries twice as much power when it is purchased by a friend or loved one and given as a gift.

Show someone how much you care. Offer them defense against the Evil Road Spirits! Give a Guardian™ Bell and share the Legend of Good Luck it offers to a motorcycle and its rider!

...and no i'm not selling them.

Motorcycle spirit guardian bells on Ebay

Lots of different ones.
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Bad juju on your ride??? :eek::eek::eek:

Just quoting what I was told! :eek: Please note it is little j juju, not Jcapital Juju.:eek:

Bells on ebay -
I guess I'm an old school purist, as evidenced by my overly long previous post. On another board based in Ireland there is a thread where people post something to the effect of "Gee, I don't have a bell." and others post that a PM was sent to get their address to send a bell along. It is a bonding thing for the members of that board, they're having fun with it, and bells are freely sent, sort of feels like asking for one, and not quite in the spirit of the thing I was taught 40-some years ago.