Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

It was a bit further off the highway than we expected, but it was a nice road....most of the way.


Here's what we went to see.


This was the last 100 yards of about 1/2 mile of gravel. We had thought we were done with gravel, but here we are, on it again. lol


Then a few cattle guards....


and we are back on road the TG was made for! :)


Beautiful country.


We both feel more at home on the TG than almost anywhere else.


Just fantastic riding!


I should have stopped here for gas. Don't know why I didn't. Brain fart or just enjoying the road...???


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

We have turned more south and it gets quite a bit warmer, different terrain, arid and not much of anything except some fun riding and lots of cloud pics for Mary.



We are making some good time, and thoroughly enjoying the ride!


Don't know why she was riding the wrong way on the shoulder, guess she lost something and was looking for it.

We slowed to help, but she waved us off.


This was another pass, with lots of curves and some nice steep climbs. I opened it up, still not concerned about fuel.


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

A look back...somewhere along here I realized...I should have stopped for fuel in Baker...I kept thinking there has to be a town with gas...but, nothing. Just high desert.

(Our gas can is empty...and there really was no reason for needing it...IF I would stop for gas. lol)


The last 30 miles to Ontario I went into fuel conserving mode of riding. We are both happy to see a gas station!


Being as it is only a 6 gallon tank, I think we used pretty much everything that was in there. lol


From Ontario it is less than an hour to Marys' moms house.


Sun is setting as we hit the outskirt of Meridian.


Made it. No pushing, hitch-hiking or begging fuel. Just a fantastic day of riding in Oregon!


Next report is from Meridian to Missoula...the only day EVER, in 45 years of riding, that I got tired of curves and twistys before the road ran out of them. :)
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

,,,,Great pics ,,,,Keven I was born in Tacoma Wash. dad was in the military but we left when I was young and I've never been back ,,,,,maybe one day . It was great just to see a few pics of it though .


I have certainly enjoyed making this trip with you via your great chronicle. Just a couple of questions:
What type boots did you purchase along the way?
Have a great day!

Thank you!

I really hesitated to spending $175 on a pair of boots, but they have kept my feet warm and dry. It was not planned, but nice that I bought them at the HD dealership in Montana where there is no sales tax!

They are called the HD Men's Black Lynx Motorcycle Boot.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

You need to just let the company run itself and travel full time (posting here every day of course!). Fantastic story and pictures!
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

You need to just let the company run itself and travel full time (posting here every day of course!). Fantastic story and pictures!

That's what I want Marge...a "run itself company", and I guarantee I'll take Your advice on the "Travel-n-Post Here" Thingie......:laugh: ;)
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

It was great to see your travels documented so well. I just went to Sturgis for bike week for the first time and will say that I loved every mile of the trip. I have never seen so much corn in my life as I did traveling through Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota. Beautiful country.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Now that's a ride. If only more time.

Thank you! Still more to come. I'm going to post Part I of the ride from Meridian to Missoula in a couple of hours.

You need to just let the company run itself and travel full time (posting here every day of course!). Fantastic story and pictures!

:) :) :)

Yeah, if I could figure that out...that is what I would do!!!!

That's what I want Marge...a "run itself company", and I guarantee I'll take Your advice on the "Travel-n-Post Here" Thingie......:laugh: ;)

I want one of those 'run itself companies' as well. Sounds like the perfect thing to get just before retirement!

It was great to see your travels documented so well. I just went to Sturgis for bike week for the first time and will say that I loved every mile of the trip. I have never seen so much corn in my life as I did traveling through Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota. Beautiful country.

Thank you!

Yeah, lots of flat straight riding thru those States. Seeing all the work they do in farming made me thankful they do it so we can buy food at the store.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

PART 1 of the ride from Meridian, ID to Missoula, MT.

When we pulled into Meridian I noticed we had an oil leak. The next day I tracked it down. One of the oil filter lines was leaking.

Knowing this is a weakness, I have always carried extra line and hose clamps with me.

It was time for an oil change and filter cleaning anyway. So I spent a couple of hours changing out all the hoses, not just the one leaking. Changed the oil and cleaned the oil filter. Installed new spark plugs per the maintenance schedule.

We spent a couple of very nice day visiting Mary's mom and nephew. (also did laundry and since we were now in some warmer temps, picked up a couple of those neck towels that you snap and they get cold)

Here we are ready to leave after some good family time.


Mary and her mom.


Didn't take long to get out of the city and start climbing out of the high desert toward Boise National Forest (55 toward McCall).


This is a route we have traveled once before, so I knew we were in for a good day of riding!


That is a LOT of high desert....


and some really fun road!


We followed this river (Payette River) for quite a while. Sometimes it is calm....


and sometimes it is rapids. The road beside it is a great riding road, and there is very little traffic today.


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

We're out of the high desert, into the forest now. It's a bit cooler, road is still great!

Check out Mary's camera technique in the mirror! :)


Beautiful country!


Lots of curves!


Just a great day to be riding!


We are climbing this entire time, headed toward a huge valley that has several towns in it, the biggest being McCall.


Here we are passing thru the southernmost part of the high valley.


There is a small pass that we rode over to get to the rest of the valley.


Soon after we hit McCall, which is quite the tourist destination.


We make it thru the traffic of McCall and start climbing again, out of the valley, thru some nice woods on a great riding road!


I don't know how many hundreds of curves we have ridden already today...but it is only a warm-up for what is coming.

Will get PART 2 of this days ride up soon.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Looks absolutely awesome. We just went on a 4000 mile trip and I knew it was too short. We were up on some of those passes better than 10000 ft and one grade of 10 degrees most weren't that bad. Awesome views!
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Looks absolutely awesome. We just went on a 4000 mile trip and I knew it was too short. We were up on some of those passes better than 10000 ft and one grade of 10 degrees most weren't that bad. Awesome views!

Thank you, we had a great time and made a lot of memories.

Thats an impressive ride. Enjoy!

There are more pics coming. :)
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

I am sorry I have been so far behind in getting the rest of the ride pics up.

Been busy getting the Sporty ready for the Hot Bike Power Tour...and Custom work always seems to take more time than expected.

Heading out in the morning.

Starts in Little Rock, AR and ends up in Racine, WI. Will be 2000+ miles

I reckon there will be more than a few Trikes on the ride. Will get pics and post em up when I return.

Gonna be gone a week. This is what I'm riding.


Will have a bag on the sissy bar and a roll above the headlight.

This is the opposite end of the touring spectrum from the ride Mary and I just got back from on the Tri-Glide.

After I return I will get the rest of the Alaska trip pics up. :)
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

ThumbUp.....nice scooter Kevin,,,,, good luck with the ride and don;t forget the MONKEY BUTT,,,,,:laugh::laugh:
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

That wasn't the tetons my friend. Those were the Bighorns. The Tetons were about three hundred miles west of you around Jackson Hole, wyo.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Hi Kevin. I followed your whole trip on the HD forum and just joined this site and saw your here as well. I'm looking into buying a trike and thought this was a great start for info. The more I saw your fun and with same body issues I think a trike is the way to go. Thanks again for the great ride.

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