Trike Talk Northeast 2015 Registration

Great to finally put faces to the screen names! Thanks to Allen for Fridays ride through all those fantastic roads and covered bridges. Queechie Gorge is always a great stop.

Once I get the pics from June's camera I will post some of them.

Hope everyone made is home safe.:clapping:
Ran into Coach last night ( no not really ) saw his new Roadsmith. Said was another GREAT time. Sorry I could not be a part of it anymore. Can't wait to see pictures, helps easy the pain. Heard it might move to Catskills. That is a little more do able.
Ran into Coach last night ( no not really ) saw his new Roadsmith. Said was another GREAT time. Sorry I could not be a part of it anymore. Can't wait to see pictures, helps easy the pain. Heard it might move to Catskills. That is a little more do able.

Nice to hear from you, John. We too, were sorry you couldn't make it - you were missed. First I heard about the Catskills - that might be good. Coastal NH and southern Me are great areas (been there many times driving a tour bus), but may be getting out of range for old pharts like us on bikes - especially getting back for work on Monday... :Shrug: We'll be "wait and see".

Ne tt 2015

To: Cheri, Linda & Jonesy, Deb & Bruce, Catherine & Gary, June & Dennis, Karen & Doug, Linda & Robert, Jeannette & Leo, Deb & Dan, Jack, Cynthia & Brian, Debbie & Thomas - Thank all of you.

In my opinion what makes a rally special is the people, whether it was sitting on the front porch, eating breakfast, riding, Sat. dinner, you people made this past weekend great. Some of you I spoke with at great length others just a brief word, all of it was special.

A few people need to be pointed out -

Allen - for leading a truly enjoyable ride.
Cheri - for doing ever so many little things ( shirts, name tags, keeping a list of those registered ), plus many did not know Cheri rode to the GGI on Thur. to drop off the shirts and name tags & then drove back home (3 hrs. each way) & then came back on Fri. after work

I am sure there are many memories of the weekend, but it will be hard to top Boxo or Leo's exploits.

Again thank you all, and hope all arrived home safe.

Tom (Coach)