Trike Talk Northeast 2017 Registration

Luckily my hand is healed enough to ride. Also luckily, the stator/voltage regulator started frying LAST week. I say luckily, because it didn't happen upstate. So it is getting taken care of right now and should be ready with a whole week to spare. Having new centrifugal clutch put in also. New solid design aftermarket. While it is open.
No one from old MD group has said anything to me about going to the rally so it looks like just Letty and I. We're planning to leave Wednessay morning, August 23, overnight in Stroudsburg PA, then arrive at Windham sometime around noon Thursday.

Would someone please give me a cell number that I can call if we get delayed for any reason. I have the hotel's number but I've learned from experience that asking the desk to deliver a message is shaky at best.
Looks like we will be leaving between 9-10 am on Thursday morning and heading up to Windham by way of 209 North, there will be no highways to Windham, don't know if you want to meet up and ride up or just continue on alone, your choice let me know.

PS I live just North of Allentown, PA
Stay away from Kingston if you can, I was through there a few weeks ago scouting out roads for the rides and it was confusing and a lot of traffic. I was trying to find a shortcut off of Rt 28 and ended up heading north on Rt 9W, which is OK further north but then you have the traffic in Catskill. The roads are not well marked near Kingston and we made a couple of false turns trying to stay on Rt 9W.

Also, the state is repaving Rt 23 from Cario to halfway to Windham on the mountain. It started right after 7/4 so going to check it out this weekend. Actually NY does a great job on roads, I was on Rt 23 after they ground up the old asphalt and it was better than some of Ct's roads after they repave here. Fortunately it's not that long of a section.
One week to go!!!! Looking at Weather Underground it looks good for the weather, low to mid 70's and sunny so hopefully they are correct. I'm going to stop at the hotel this weekend and see how many rooms we are taking and see if we have enough for last minutes adds.

I will be there on Thursday at some point, I'll see what is the earliest we can check in. I guess we will play it by ear as far as what to do for dinner, there are a few good places to eat nearby.

Have a safe and enjoyable ride
Got the trike back on day promised...Must be a non - HD shop. Yep. Turns out the stator didn't melt. The cable off it was fraying and causing shorts. So trike is good to go. Planning on ferry to CT and leisurely ride up on Wed. Are we only ones showing up then? Some of the wife's relatives in that area. Might try and say hello. See you all then.
Good to hear that Andrew....Not sure how your going from ferry but if you come through Catskill there is a welcome office right off of rt 87 across from the home depot driveway. I will be bringing maps with me for everyone but they have maps for bikers so if your inclined to ride some more, they have them there, plus handouts for places to eat.

Don't forget to bring your bathing suits, there is a nice pool room with a hot tub right off the parking area and if you have room, a camp chair as seating is on the light side.

We are heading up Thursday morning with Cathy and Gary from Rhode Island, they are staying at the Litchfield Inn again.

see you soon ans have a safe ride up
I am aiming to take ferry to Rt 8 to Rt 25 to I-84 to Taconic to whatever Rt 23 is called on that side. Across the Rip Van Winkle bridge. Nice route, lower miles for Dianne.
Looks like 9 is a better choice than the Taconic ... When you get up nearRedhook your closer to Rip bridge. ??????

also check 15 S to 7N then 202 to Brewster then up 22N Great road.
Weather looks good

Watching the weather right now ... the weather looks great . temperatures in low 80 no rain ...
Went off with out a hitch

Great weather ,great friends, Good times. All home safe can't get no better than that.We are already planning for Next year, looks like around the same time. Mark your calendar. Hope we get more of our friends out there to enjoy the beautiful roads. Lot of great food. Plenty to see. This year new face and regulars. ( was gona say old faces. But changed my mind )