TriKing gl1500 conversion

Hi! New to trike talk. I recently purchased a 1990 gl1500 with a TriKing ALS trike kit. Where can I find info on this kit? All I know is that the company was based in Daytona Beach and is now out of business. Any info would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Hello Ron and from the U.P. of Michigan, welcome to the website. I don't know about your particular trike kit, but I also have a 1990 1500 that I have enjoyed for several years now. Someone that knows a little more about that trike will have to chime in and clue you in on that part.
When we first got our "87Trike1200" it was already converted and served it's previous owner well. We knew the former owner and I acquired it for Barbara when he upgraded to an 1800. At the time we got it, like you, we tried to learn more about it with little success.

All I can tell you is that for us, and the previous owner, it has stood up to the "test of time" and, unless you have a particular problem, I would not be concerned by it being an "off brand".

At the time, my '95 1500 was a 2 wheeler which was later converted by a very competent Motor-Trike dealer. He mentioned in passing, that should we ever have any problems with the Tri-King, chances are he would be able to help. As it has turned out, so far the only problems we had with the '87 was with the "famous" Honda 1200 alternator. Other than that (nothing to do with the Tri-King conversion), it continues to run strong.

Best wishes with yours...
Hi! New to trike talk. I recently purchased a 1990 gl1500 with a TriKing ALS trike kit. Where can I find info on this kit? All I know is that the company was based in Daytona Beach and is now out of business. Any info would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Thanks everyone! Just found what was a dead link is now live again!
Thanks everyone! Just found what was a dead link is now live again!

They are a small company but build a good looking trike with available auto parts in the rear end. It rides on 6" air bags for constant leveling option. The price is right with a lot of extras thrown into the finished product at no cost compared to other brands.:pepper:
They are a small company but build a good looking trike with available auto parts in the rear end. It rides on 6" air bags for constant leveling option. The price is right with a lot of extras thrown into the finished product at no cost compared to other brands.:pepper:

Thanks for the info!
Welcome aboard.
Rainwater here

does anyone know what yr they started with ALS system on triking kits? I have a 92 gl1500 triking it has air shocks
I think they have always been that way, that was one of their selling points. Judging from your question, I gather you are needing rear shocks.. I would take one into an auto parts store and see if they can match it.
Hi! New to trike talk. I recently purchased a 1990 gl1500 with a TriKing ALS trike kit. Where can I find info on this kit? All I know is that the company was based in Daytona Beach and is now out of business. Any info would be much appreciated! Thanks!

I know a little having had one also on a 1990 Goldwing SE. The conversion was done in Ohio or Illinois, but I don't know where. I had to put new seals and brake shoes on the rear when after service the rear end was over filled

just before I got it. I got parts for a Mustang II. I don't remember much about the ALS system.

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