Update on 5 thieves at my house

Well, all 5 punks were remanded to thier so called parents, with no jailtime! Stole a van, came to my place out back, was rumaging though the stolen booty in the van(tools,parts, etc.), and me and my buddy took em down with handguns at gunpoint. Bad little bast@#%rds, too. Sherriff has 50 different burglary cases against these punks, and can't get em locked up! I since bought a .44 special Bulldog from Charter Arms, and momma has a new .38 special carry pistol. Model 85 from Taurus. I'm ready, and willing now, and I'm not gonna be as gracious as the last time! These guys were all bigger than me, and younger, and were in possetion of a small caliber pistol at the time we put em face down in the dirt till cops arrived. jimsjinx
Great story, good for you, but please remember...No physical possessions are worth more than your life. Be careful not to be drawn into using your weapon unless you or someone in your family is in immediate danger and in fear for your life. Remember most states have a duty to retreat unless you are in your home. Punks like that have different morals than you do, and are very dangerous. Stay safe, and in the future, think every step of the way when you draw a gun how it will look in court. If you discharge a fire arm and you do in it self defense some jerk somewhere will want to sue you. If you get past he cops and criminal court, you will be facing possible civil suit. The more money and insurance you have makes you a bigger target.

Your story had a happy ending, but if you run through the possible scenarios the other outcomes may be more then you may want to bet your life and possessions on.

I just took an advanced Concealed Carry tactics course and those were some of the suggestions they made. They taught great techniques for working with a partner in just such a situation that you encountered. They also taught great basic to advanced grips, trigger, and reloading. I thought I was an experienced shooter, but after this 8 hour course I was shooting quicker and tighter groups! I plan on teaching my friends these principals so when we travel together we will be prepared.
:yes:You are 100% right, Mattel. I had ample time to work the scenario out in my head when I was slippin along side my shop wall. "Use Cover, and be ready to use the weapon", was the first thing running through my mind. " Cartridge at battery,saftey off, finger alongside action, ready to make my commands. I would never have even drawn my weapon if I wasn't already outnumbered 5 to 2, and they were in full gang mode. They all were moving my backup's way till they saw his .357 mag., then were making that " I'm outa here" turn to run, that's when I drew a bead on the one closest to me and commanded he get on the ground or else I'd turn his lights out permanently. They were coming AT me, but I was hidden from view till I stepped slightly out from the corner of my shop. They all obliged, and then my focus was on any movements of thier hands. One idiot went reaching in his pocket for a cell phone, and I strongly advised him to get those hands out where I could see em! They did have a .22 pistol stashed in the van, but never had time to get to it. I hope this NEVER happens again, but I will continue to "pack", as long as I am physically and mentally able to do so. I love that 2nd ammendment!!!:p jimsjinx
Well, all 5 punks were remanded to thier so called parents, with no jailtime! Stole a van, came to my place out back, was rumaging though the stolen booty in the van(tools,parts, etc.), and me and my buddy took em down with handguns at gunpoint. Bad little bast@#%rds, too. Sherriff has 50 different burglary cases against these punks, and can't get em locked up! I since bought a .44 special Bulldog from Charter Arms, and momma has a new .38 special carry pistol. Model 85 from Taurus. I'm ready, and willing now, and I'm not gonna be as gracious as the last time! These guys were all bigger than me, and younger, and were in possetion of a small caliber pistol at the time we put em face down in the dirt till cops arrived. jimsjinx

I also carry and have done so for years, but unless trouble comes to me, I let the better qualified take care of them.............
I read the story sometime back when you first posted it.
I think you handled it perfectly.
If those were true gangers or plan to be, I'd keep an eye out for a 'revenge' visit sometime.
Sounds like you are ready pretty much anytime.
They won't always be under 18.
Great story, good for you, but please remember...No physical possessions are worth more than your life. Be careful not to be drawn into using your weapon unless you or someone in your family is in immediate danger and in fear for your life. Remember most states have a duty to retreat unless you are in your home. Punks like that have different morals than you do, and are very dangerous. Stay safe, and in the future, think every step of the way when you draw a gun how it will look in court. If you discharge a fire arm and you do in it self defense some jerk somewhere will want to sue you. If you get past he cops and criminal court, you will be facing possible civil suit. The more money and insurance you have makes you a bigger target.

Your story had a happy ending, but if you run through the possible scenarios the other outcomes may be more then you may want to bet your life and possessions on.

I just took an advanced Concealed Carry tactics course and those were some of the suggestions they made. They taught great techniques for working with a partner in just such a situation that you encountered. They also taught great basic to advanced grips, trigger, and reloading. I thought I was an experienced shooter, but after this 8 hour course I was shooting quicker and tighter groups! I plan on teaching my friends these principals so when we travel together we will be prepared.

Your eight hour class didn't teach you the laws in all 50 states. The bold print above is not true or correct.
I live out in a rural area and to date, am the only one around here that has not been hit by house burglars. They have not figured out my schedule yet. I am retired and usually around home most of the time. It's a full 30-45 minutes from the local law and that is if they were to respond to some alarm within that time, which is unlikely. All of my neighbors that have been hit have installed alarms, but I think all they do is let the burglars know they have at least 30-minutes to ransack the house. I just depend on having good insurance and keep my serious valuables in other places. I have just came to the conclusion that when they decide to hit me (and they will), I will simply have to accept it and deal with the insurance company.

The law has managed to catch a couple of thieves and they already had rap-sheets for house burglary....no surprise. They know they won't stay in jail munch more than overnight anyway.

I had a dope-head try to get in one of my vehicles in the front yard once and held him at gun-point until the law showed up. The officer pulled up into the yard and called the criminal by name saying..."oh...it's you again". The officer then told me that everybody would have been better off if I had just went ahead and shot him.

I dread the day that I will actually have to pull the trigger on somebody, but have came to the conclusion that the only thing that would really bother me about shooting this trash is the mess it would make inside my house.
Good for You....done this twice myself over the years....same thing both times....no jail time. All have gone on to larger, violent crimes, and all are in Prison right now......too much (cough) "compassion" for repeat Juvenile Criminals.....:mad:
Prowlers and criminals can be a threat to your property but are they a deadly threat?

If you shoot because you or yours are threatened with physical harm, remember that you are removing that threat and it is the only reason you pulled the trigger. Them dying is a result of you removing that threat has no value to a prosecutions case against you for their death. It is a valid threat removal for the protection of you or others... >> not your property << that doesn't count. This is a very important thing to remember.

If you sneak up on a criminal in the act or a prowler on your property and you fire a warning shot just to get his attention he may turn around and shoot at you. At that time you are considered to be the threat and he has every right to shoot you and get away with it. He was forced to stop a viable threat to his well being.

Funny how that works.
Prowlers and criminals can be a threat to your property but are they a deadly threat?

If you shoot because you or yours are threatened with physical harm, remember that you are removing that threat and it is the only reason you pulled the trigger. Them dying is a result of you removing that threat has no value to a prosecutions case against you for their death. It is a valid threat removal for the protection of you or others... >> not your property << that doesn't count. This is a very important thing to remember.

If you sneak up on a criminal in the act or a prowler on your property and you fire a warning shot just to get his attention he may turn around and shoot at you. At that time you are considered to be the threat and he has every right to shoot you and get away with it. He was forced to stop a viable threat to his well being.

Funny how that works.

Yeah, the actual use of Firearms add whole new problems to the scenario. I just wish the Authorities would use stiffer punishments when dealing with Habitual Juvenile Theft and Vandalism Criminals...."Hand Spankings" seem to only bring on worse crimes later....:cool:
Yards and garages are not safe places at night. It's strange that people hurt themselves savagely when walking though a strange place that is dimly lit. All kinds of things can hit you in the head by accident if you aren't careful.

I saw a huge oak tree limb just fall out of a tree one night... glad I wasn't standing under it. It must have fallen about 100' away from the tree too. Ya just never know.
Yards and garages are not safe places at night. It's strange that people hurt themselves savagely when walking though a strange place that is dimly lit. All kinds of things can hit you in the head by accident if you aren't careful.

I saw a huge oak tree limb just fall out of a tree one night... glad I wasn't standing under it. It must have fallen about 100' away from the tree too. Ya just never know.

....inside window sills make a great place to store carpet knife blades too...especially in a special made upright holder.....:rolleyes:
I am a retired police officer and a current Criminal Court Bailiff. In my state of Tennessee the fine print says you have to be in fear of your life...so if you must fire and hit someone be sure you tell the responding officers that you are the scariedest s.o.b. on the pike! For home defense, such as going to the door, buy a $3 can of Wasp and Hornet Spray. It has a range of about 20 feet and is better than tear gas in the eyes!

In Texas, we now have the "Castle Doctrine". This law was passed several yars ago. If someone comes on your property or in your home you may use deadly force if you feel threatend.

Several of these types of deaths (and wounded) in San Antonio in the past few months have resulted in "no charges were filed by police". If you wish to come through my gate, call me first. If you come into my home and have not called, please don't...blood and brains are so hard to clean off of the walls and floor, and patched bullet holes in walls never look the same.

I live in the boondocks, far enough out that my neighbors practice their marksmanship in their back 40....Our land is fenced and gated so ya just don't come on folks property without their notice where I live.
Jim, I just re read your post about the five visitors. You, sir, are a man of great patience and kindness. One of my handiest weapons for uninvited visitors is a 12 ga pump with a legal 18 1/2" barrel, (cylinder choke) loaded with 3" magnums with 00 buck shot and #4 shotshells alternated in the magazine. Several of my house guns are loaded with Black Talon or Cor-Bon ammo. No children in the house so no worry there....just me and my wife, Killer.

Tip: Have a handgun hidden in your garage. If given the chance, run there and hide behind something, pointing the weapon at the door they have to leave from....the rest is up to you....

I am 78 and could not whip a ten year old kid. I don't need to and I will defend myself and wife to whatever level necessary.

My wife's favorite is our Ruger Ranch rifle, .223, with the 20 cartridge clip, loaded with hollowpoints...we were out back shooting at a soda can @ 100 meters (over 320 feet) and we hit is about every four shots....moved it with every shot....close enough for gov't. work....
Hey Jim I admire your guts, here we are luccky I suppose we don't carry arms, and we seem to be able to deal with this kinda things differantly Love your cool headed approach, well done , glad your all safe
My nextdoor neighbor is the tri state wide Glock pistol licensee. That means all Glocks sold in OK, TX and LA go through him. Of course, I got mine at cost. I practice about once monthly, but in addition to the 9 mm I have in my night stand we have a couple of other pistols around the home. I do keep a 12 guage pump loaded by the side of the bed. <br />
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Never had or want to fire these in anger, but we live in a sick world where other feel they are entitled to what you ownl. I would give it to them, but not my or my wifes health or life. <br />
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Many, many millions of licensed hand gun owners did not kill anyone yesterday.
Arizona now has CCW w/o permit needed...needless to say some crimes have definatly stopped/slowed...lol. I carry a 9mm and g/f carries a .380 Auto along with a derringer 2-shot w/ .22 magnum hollow points chanbered lol