What did you do during the great and terrible site downtime of 2016??

Actually to answer the question; What did i do during the great and terrible site downtime in 2016.?
Ill answer that Question 9 Months from now.......:)
Worked mostly, but what else is new :laugh: kept checking back and praying to the almighty to make things right in the 3 wheeler world! :Angel: :clapping:
Internet Brands

Once that forum was sold, it tanked imho. IB instituted a lot of rules that seem anal retentive to many posters. Same thing happened on the Corvette forum board after they bought it. We lost a lot of cottage vendor's due to the rate increases for advertising.
Randy, while the site was down I'm sure it was being missed by all. I'm also sure that everyone on here really appreciates what you and your team does to keep it up and running. I can say this is the best site on my list that I visit daily, We enjoy it very much. ThumbUp

We Thank you Sir.
clapping smilie.gif
Called the "Computer Challenged Persons" hot line.

It rang and rang -- but no one answered.

Fired a couple of rounds into the mouse. Felt better the rest of the day.
I'm glad to do what I do, I enjoy coming here every day as much as yall do. You are a very special bunch of guys and gals and I would miss you all greatly if this place went away. I encourage you each to participate more. Dont just read what others have to say, quit lurking and start sharing your own thoughts.*

*Edit- the aforementioned suggestion does not apply to consitter, rhino2 or fuzzy
Didnt mean to go all Kanye on everyone... I'm glad to do what I do, I enjoy coming here every day as much as yall do. You are a very special bunch of guys and gals and I would miss you all greatly if this place went away. I encourage you each to participate more. Dont just read what others have to say, quit lurking and start sharing your own thoughts.*

*Edit-the aforementioned suggestion does not apply to consitter, rhino2 or fuzzy

Oh 'Crap i just notice the fine print....And i did have somethink to say ' But now I'm at a loss for words....:p
Well I'm fairly new to this forum, lurked here for a year or so, learned alot from this forum, loved the posts, well I bit the bullet and bought a 2016 triglide so I just had to join the forum and put in my 2 cents worth, and that is about all it's worth:D:D.

I thought it was my pc since it is of age like me, went to g/f's pc and I knew it wasn't mine, checked it many times a day and this morning it was back on, one happy camper here for sure.

Many thanks

All for now Trampas
Thought my computer was taken over by Obama. Didn't know about the outage. Was in a dead panic. :AGGHH:
I'm glad to do what I do, I enjoy coming here every day as much as yall do. You are a very special bunch of guys and gals and I would miss you all greatly if this place went away. I encourage you each to participate more. Dont just read what others have to say, quit lurking and start sharing your own thoughts.

As Thanksgiving approaches, this experience has brought to the fore how thankful I am for all the great folks here and Randy's efforts to make it available to us. I just made a donation to help keep it going for us.

The donate button is near the upper right of the screen.