Avon Cobra Trike Tyre

Feb 9, 2012
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Wales UK
Any of the forum have any experience of the Avon Cobra trike tyre? I have just ordered one and it's going to be fitted this week.
p.s. this is the way we spell tyre:D
Thanks all
been a couple posts about them ... my take so far ... it handles well but too soon to know about mileage ... search will help ya find those posts/threads
Never had much luck with that search box, but maybe it's just me.

Must be you.:) I just went there and typed in "Avon tire" and got pages of reading. The first two post were about Avon tires. Both of which are active posts on today "new post". Best to search with least words a possible. Don't ask a question in the search box.
It's my understanding that the only Avon trike specific tire is the front and only in 1 size for the Goldwing. The other Cobra tires are, well, just tires and aren't trike specific. Someone else , and I don't remember who, was wondering about that and called, emailed, or somehow contacted Avon and got confirmation that the only trike specific tire was the front in a130/70R18 63V.

Here is a link about it.
It's my understanding that the only Avon trike specific tire is the front and only in 1 size for the Goldwing. The other Cobra tires are, well, just tires and aren't trike specific. Someone else , and I don't remember who, was wondering about that and called, emailed, or somehow contacted Avon and got confirmation that the only trike specific tire was the front in a130/70R18 63V.

Here is a link about it.

Well, I may be wrong here; but, I don't have too much confidence in a tire that seems to be just a "one-of". And, I can't help but see/feel the manufacturer is not too interested either.....

Well, I may be wrong here; but, I don't have too much confidence in a tire that seems to be just a "one-of". And, I can't help but see/feel the manufacturer is not too interested either.....


Au contraire, grasshopper. A lot of us trikers have been asking for this type of front tire for years. Avon is the first company that has really taken us seriously.

All the other manufacturers have said that there is no market, too small a volume, etc. Apparently there is a sizeable investment in design, molds, production line modifications, and other manufacturing considerations.

Now that Avon has taken a step forward there should be other offerings coming if we give them good feedback and buy their new tire or at least let them know we will buy them if they will build them.
Au contraire, grasshopper. A lot of us trikers have been asking for this type of front tire for years. Avon is the first company that has really taken us seriously.

All the other manufacturers have said that there is no market, too small a volume, etc. Apparently there is a sizeable investment in design, molds, production line modifications, and other manufacturing considerations.

Now that Avon has taken a step forward there should be other offerings coming if we give them good feedback and buy their new tire or at least let them know we will buy them if they will build them.

I guess time will tell.....

But, this grasshopper sees things differently.....and sees little effort in debuting a tire this way... But, again, time will tell....


Well, I may be wrong here; but, I don't have too much confidence in a tire that seems to be just a "one-of". And, I can't help but see/feel the manufacturer is not too interested either.....


I wish I remembered where I read it, but Avon has plans to expand the "trike" front tire sizes, but as of right now, to the best of my knowledge, they haven't done it yet. Maybe they have and I don't know it, but anyone thinking to buy one would be well served to contact Avon and find out for sure what they are getting. I would think there are a lot of guys buying what they think is a trike specific front when in reality it's just another tire. For all I know the Cobra is a great tire, trike specific or not. For what it's worth, I'v seen rave reviews from Goldwing trike riders about it, but that trike specific size is what Goldwings take. Don't take my word as gospel. If you are thinking Avon Cobra for your trike, check it out thoroughly and be sure you are getting what you think you are getting. I could be dead wrong with what I know, but the link I gave says I'm right. I could use a new front and I'd love to try it if my size is really made specifically for a trike.
I've used Avon tires (tyres) on a couple of 2 wheelers. Was very happy with the handling and longevity of the tires. A bit pricy here in the colonies, but like everything else they go on sale. I'd be curious how the Avon works on a trike, let us know.
Well, I may be wrong here; but, I don't have too much confidence in a tire that seems to be just a "one-of". And, I can't help but see/feel the manufacturer is not too interested either.....


If you think about it most trikes on the market are Goldwings. That size fits a 1500 and an 1800. They are launching into a new area so they might as well pick the most popular trike around for the greatest possible sales and the most feedback on changes or acceptability in the market. This really is a very small market regardless of how big it is to us. Avon has been the only tire manufacturer to make a sidecar dedicated tire for years,so they have a little experience here in low volume production. Hopefully they will make enough profit to justify continuing with this tire and expanding to other wheel sizes such as Harley/TriGlide probably the 2nd most common trike. I would not look for them to ever make as wide a range of sizes as they do for 2 wheeler front tires.
With the interest generated in the Cobra tire, I emailed Avon asking if the other sizes for front tires in the Cobra line had the flatter profile that the 103/70-R 18 tire has and if the construction was the same for all sizes of fronts in the Cobra line. Basically I wanted to know if all the Cobra fronts are considered trike specific like the 130/70-R 18 is. If and when I hear back I'll post the reply.
With the interest generated in the Cobra tire, I emailed Avon asking if the other sizes for front tires in the Cobra line had the flatter profile that the 103/70-R 18 tire has and if the construction was the same for all sizes of fronts in the Cobra line. Basically I wanted to know if all the Cobra fronts are considered trike specific like the 130/70-R 18 is. If and when I hear back I'll post the reply.

OK, I will keep an open mind.... I can understand not having a 19 for my Freewheeler to start; but, no 16 for the TGs and such.........

I guess this could inspire other manufacturers to wade in.....Maybe Harley and Dunlop could get something going?

Like I said, time will tell...

Before I realized how many trikes there where .. I'd of been skeptical, but I think we represent an untapped market ... at least I feel untapped

Me Too!

I can say around where I am in Ohio there are LOTS of trikes. And, the most popular, or most often seen, is the HD TG. I rarely see Hondas. And, its always great to see another Freewheeler.....we seem to take a longer wave at each other.....:D:D:D

Maybe Hondas are popular elsewhere; but, the roads around me seem to be ruled by Harleys......AND I LIKE IT! ThumbUpThumbUpThumbUpThumbUpThumbUp

Springman, you see what you want to see.

When I had a black trike, it seemed that every bike on the road was black. Now that I have a white Goldwing, it seems that all the bikes on the road are white.

Around here, I see more Hondas, Can-Ams and scooters than anything else. There may be a lot of Harleys around, but I suspect they are week end riders at best.
Springman, you see what you want to see.

When I had a black trike, it seemed that every bike on the road was black. Now that I have a white Goldwing, it seems that all the bikes on the road are white.

Around here, I see more Hondas, Can-Ams and scooters than anything else. There may be a lot of Harleys around, but I suspect they are week end riders at best.

Not in my neck of the woods........

Not in my neck of the woods........


That seems fair. Last time I went up North and drove through Ohio was in the 80's, so probably it's much different now.

Meanwhile, this is a Cobra Trike tire thread, so let me ask the pertinent question - have all of you sent an email to Avon?

I have, complimented them on having the courage to go out on a limb with this tire. Also told them I would like a 17" tire for my BMW. Also told them that a lot of Tri-Gliders would be potential customers.

Seems that no matter what good thing a company does, the peanut gallery can only criticize, condemn and complain.

Have you sent an email to Avon to support their initiative?