Whats for supper?

We've been missing Indian style food so the Misses found a recipe for Chicken Vindaloo, done in the slow cooker, it turned out excellent.

Gotta love wet markets ..........

Bob and I saw plenty of this in Vietnam ........ If one did not know what it was ................:D

Bob and I saw plenty of this in Vietnam ........ If one did not know what it was ................:D

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The only indigenous food and drink i ever had over there, Was Mosquito infested Rice bread....Parts of an under cooked wild pig...We lived on ''C''s and care packages and wild sugar cane/ fruits .....And some Tiger piss to wash it down....And iodine treated water with kool-aid to swallow down the malaria [Once a week Lariam] and quinine pills.......Long story on the Pig....Might be for a rainy day..:)...
The only indigenous food and drink i ever had over there, Was Mosquito infested Rice bread....Parts of an under cooked wild pig...We lived on ''C''s and care packages and wild sugar cane/ fruits .....And some Tiger piss to wash it down....And iodine treated water with kool-aid to swallow down the malaria [Once a week Lariam] and quinine pills.......Long story on the Pig....Might be for a rainy day..:)...

You forgot about the Dried Bat hanging from the carts and the Monkey meat Subs with all the Bugs in the Bread...;)
The only indigenous food and drink i ever had over there, Was Mosquito infested Rice bread....Parts of an under cooked wild pig...We lived on ''C''s and care packages and wild sugar cane/ fruits .....And some Tiger piss to wash it down....And iodine treated water with kool-aid to swallow down the malaria [Once a week Lariam] and quinine pills.......Long story on the Pig....Might be for a rainy day..:)...

See , could of been a good story today !
See , could of been a good story today !

Gotta get my thoughts and memories together on that....

I do remember when i had my mustering out physical, I weighed 135....The Doc then said you should be at around 180.

Did you eat any indigenous food over there....I had to think about it for a while, And then i said does a wild pig count....Then came a blood test and yep....Trichinosis, I Never knew i had it i thought i lost the weight from humping the hills with 90 pounds of equipment on my back..:Shrug:.....I don't know if all of us that ate some got it , But i do know one who didn't....He was a Lieutenant who when our Captain asked him aren't you going to have some... 'Sir with the environment that pig was in; ''No'' thank you..And i can still hear the Captain say ;Not any different than the environment we're in...:D....We didn't have time to cook it enough cause a fire burning that long would have made us target for mortars :cxtv:.......And the Sun just popped out so I'm done...
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This one is my recipe, we call it Joe's Dinner but I've heard it called by a bunch of different names. Ground beef, celery, peppers, onions, crushed tomatoes, elbow macaroni and pasta sauce.

Bacon, eggs, toast and some leftover sirloin steak from the smoker the other day. Probably not the best for my cholesterol but dang it was good! Washed it down with a glass of V8 which took care of the veggies! LOL

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That would kill me. Literally. Sure looks good though. Our Waffle House is open from 06:00 to 15:00. The mgr is really :cool:. She laughs at my crazy diet. Oh well, at least my ticker still works. :clapping:
This one is my recipe, we call it Joe's Dinner but I've heard it called by a bunch of different names. Ground beef, celery, peppers, onions, crushed tomatoes, elbow macaroni and pasta sauce.


I knew an old timer who lived in the wilds of North Jersey, And he called it Slum-gullion......