Asking for your Prayers

Prayers from Louisiana.
I was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer in 2007.

Dr. said I had 9% chance of survival past 5 years.

I went to MD Anderson and had chemo, radiation, surgery and am now 6+ years out and cancer free. My life is drastically different due to surgery but I am alive and kicking. I would be happy to share my experiences. PM me if you want my phone number and/or email to share with him.

Wow what a wonderful report, so happy to hear you're doing well and yes, I would like to talk with you. I'll PM you with my phone number.

We just spent a week with Andy and Lizz Anne in Texas, Andy is very sick and nauseated from the chemo but in good spirits considering. He's not eligible for surgery as it has spread to his lymph nodes, one of which is close to, or attached to his aorta from what I understand so it's too dangerous according to the surgeon at MD Anderson. He's getting two kinds of chemo, a very aggressive strong one and then another one that is a constant flow from a pump he wears, I thinks its a fractionated dose type of chemo therapy.

He will starting radiation treatments shortly and then more chemo.

We know God is the ultimate healer so thank you all so much and please keep those prayers coming. We visited Joel Osteen's church while we were there and met their prayer team leader who prayed for Andy and what a powerful prayer that was.

A tiny little old lady (angel) who is obviously very well connected with the man upstairs, a real blessing for us. She also added Andy to their church-wide prayer list so he is being lifted up by many and is very thankful for everyone's prayers.
We are in Houston Texas visiting Marge's family after learning that Marge's sister's husband Andy Friday has just been diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer. Please pray for Andy's healing as he begins his chemo and radiation treatment today.

Prayers sent!
If he is at MD Anderson - it's a fantastic facility.
Jim was under their treatment for his esophageal cancer and we just can't say enough about the doctors and facility.
God Bless!
Jim and Carla..
Your Entire Family is ALWAYS in Mine and Mitzie's Thoughts and Prayers.....hoping 2014 is a Great, Safe, Healing Year....!!!!!...ThumbUp