Gas Prices- $2.04 gallon!

Premium in Montana today was 1.99 (YEA). I remember paying a quarter for gas in 1967 and thinking that was a great deal. For the most part it was around 32 to 33 cents. Oh how things have changed. Gas finally get affordable and the weather turns cold. Something is terribly wrong with this picture.
Re: Gas Prices- $1.99 gallon!

This was yesterday 12/5/08. Today it is $1.64.9 !! When gas was around $4.00/gallon, I remember someone on the news predicting gas would go down to $1.60/gallon (national average) before it started going back up it goes! Hope it stays for a while. :) ALSO.....notice the SUNSHINE! It's almost 60 degrees now... going up to the mid-70's.
These are great prices aren't they?

We can all remember lower prices though, can't we? Problem fondly as we remember them, they were still high!

Like jim, I can remember.25 diesel and when I was in high school, we ran .19 gas. Even at that, I can't ever remember "filling 'er up". I can vividly remember scrounging pennies and nickels from friends, in order to buy a half dollars worth.

I can also remember that even though Dad had a car, we couldn't go to town, because he couldn't afford the gas. Seems he thought that somehow, food was more important.

So, when I fondly remembr those "good old day"gas prices, I too long for those prices. But I don't long for the hard times and low wages that went along with them.

Now, that old '49 Harley? Man, do I ever long for that again.
too bad gas wasn't cheap this summer when I was spending 12 to $18.00 to fill the motorcycle tank to go for a ride. :mad:
Like jim, I can remember.25 diesel and when I was in high school, we ran .19 gas. Even at that, I can't ever remember "filling 'er up". I can vividly remember scrounging pennies and nickels from friends, in order to buy a half dollars worth.
Roger that. The lowest gas price I can remember is 35 cents/gallon when I got my first car. But same thing was true--I could almost never afford to fill up the tank--and I was working! I remember lots of times getting one or two dollars worth of gas. When a guy I was dating pulled up to a station and got 5 dollars worth, wow! I thought I was in for the date of my life with this "big spender"!
They say we may see $1.00 a gallon before it goes back uo Oil at $40.00 a barrel . If it gets to $30.00 we will be in $1.00 range. :)
Thought Id resurrect this old thread from back in 2008....scroll back through and LOOK at the gas prices at the time of these posts!:faint: