We DID it! Bought the trike!


Just Killing Time...
Gold Member
Yep...! Bought a 2008 Gold Wing trike with a Lehman Monarch II kit. It only has 2,500 miles on it and the bike is loaded with ALL the premium goodies. Yours truly, Mrs. Paws, drove that puppy home - a distance of 135 miles - having never driven a trike but having had a lifetime of 2-wheel experience. But then, I've never turned down a ride on anything that had a clutch and throttle - that is, as long as I could touch the ground - or - in this case - didn't have to touch the ground.

I want to, BIG TIME, thank all of those who posted tips and advice on "how to drive a trike" on this website. That was all the information I had - except the seller offered that I should not try to take a curve at faster than the speed posted for the curve. I had a great ride and am more than pleased with the whole thing.

Hubby followed along in the 4-wheeler... he hadn't read all the info out here as I had. After having viewed the video from the Lehman site and listening to me go on and on, he took the trike out the next day and was thrilled with it.

He also would like to thank Bazooka for so patiently answering all his questions and offering so much info on the phone last week.

So - we're OFFICIAL. This website had a LOT to do with making that decision!

Congratulations!!!! Welcome to the world of three wheelin'. There will be no getting rid of that "Triker grin" now. Hope you both have lots of safe and wonderful adventures,meeting lots of fellow trikers along the way.
He also would like to thank Bazooka for so patiently answering all his questions and offering so much info on the phone last week.

So - we're OFFICIAL. This website had a LOT to do with making that decision!


He did have lots of questions but they were all very good questions that everyone should be asking before buying a trike. Tell him I enjoyed talking to him and to call me anytime he has a question. Ride safe and enjoy!
Thank you everyone. As soon as we figure out how, we'll post pics.

We bought this trike for hubby. I'll stay on 2-wheels as long as I can.

He has gone through esophogeal cancer treatment (chemo & radiation - SUCCESSFULLY), then a heart attack (quad bypass + 1 valve replacement - he had a surgeon who was EXCELLENT and who also rides a Spyder and a Gold Wing) all since 2008. So it's all taken a toll on his overall physical strength & stamina. Although he has been able to to still enjoy his 2-wheeler I worried about him pushing himself trying to keep up with me on distance trips.

However, having said that, I must admit - I really LIKE this thing! I feel sure there are some 2-up trips on it coming soon. I just have to keep telling myself... gee & haw - rather than lean!
Congratulations Paws and spouse will warn you now though the trike will come out more than the two wheels lol i know mine does i open the garage saying going out on the bike today and guess what first set of traffic lights no feet down safe ridinbg and cant wait to see pics
Thank you everyone. As soon as we figure out how, we'll post pics.

We bought this trike for hubby. I'll stay on 2-wheels as long as I can.

He has gone through esophogeal cancer treatment (chemo & radiation - SUCCESSFULLY), then a heart attack (quad bypass + 1 valve replacement - he had a surgeon who was EXCELLENT and who also rides a Spyder and a Gold Wing) all since 2008. So it's all taken a toll on his overall physical strength & stamina. Although he has been able to to still enjoy his 2-wheeler I worried about him pushing himself trying to keep up with me on distance trips.

However, having said that, I must admit - I really LIKE this thing! I feel sure there are some 2-up trips on it coming soon. I just have to keep telling myself... gee & haw - rather than lean!

Congrats on the trike acquisition...you're gonna love it. Especially when I get your new rake kit sent.

On the way shortly!

Congrats also on the new trike! I also have just started on a trike and agree 100% about the info on this site, thanks to all of you who provided it!
Ill wave at you as we pass or better yet buy you a cup of coffee if we meet!

You are gonna be so pleased that you will have to visit the dentist daily to remove the bugs between your teeth and watch old tear jerker movies the wipe the smile off..
RIDE Safe and so watch out for left turning idiots !!!!

KY-T Chapter
congrats to you on the purchase. Many happy smiles and miles to you. You will wonder why you didnt go to 3 wheels years ago...
Happy Triking to you! May you never collect dust on your machine. May your miles be happy ones till many..many..sunsets are behind you!
NH Welcomes you!

Rosy & Janice