What are you doing right now

Carol, there are two things this bunch lives for. Pictures and Food. How about a picture of that cake?

You got it:D. The layers are cooling right now so when I have it assembled I'll post a pic. I thought that might be a bit cruel though :xzqxz:
You got it:D. The layers are cooling right now so when I have it assembled I'll post a pic. I thought that might be a bit cruel though :xzqxz:

It is cruel Carol, but we are hardened masochists and it's all Sully's fault. :AGGHH:
Man, that brings back memories. My Mother was full blooded German. She could make a REAL German chocolate cake! We had company over for dinner one time and she made one for dessert.
After everyone had left, she told my Dad and me that the cat had licked a third of the icing off the cake. Mom spread the top layer a little thinner and no one ever knew. :Angel:
Thanks guys :D. The cake was a big hit. Since there is only me and the hubster (he always laughs when I call him that) the rest went to work with him and fed some hungry engineers :clapping: . I don't think it lasted until lunch time.
I re-sized the pic of the pumpkin cheesecake I made a few days ago. I used sliced apples on the bottom instead of crust. Turned out well and its gone. :clapping:


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It was excellent and I got 2 pieces, my roommates ate most of it.
Yesterday I made a peach cobbler and baked apples, the baked apples are almost gone and I got a piece of cobbler today.
It was excellent and I got 2 pieces, my roommates ate most of it.
Yesterday I made a peach cobbler and baked apples, the baked apples are almost gone and I got a piece of cobbler today.

You're lucky to have help eating all that good stuff. If my wife makes something, she will have one piece and I have to eat the rest. I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings !
Sitin in the camper at PA watching it rain. Its well needed to extingush the forest fire here. Indoor sports planed i guess:vxtyaq:
I've been wondering where the heck you've been. Hope you're having a good time camping.

Came home Sunday due to weather. If I am to watch tv all day, I will do it on a real comfy couch.
Plus no inter web there, gota use my phone. Real PIA. Got big fingers.
Actually she wanted to stay. When the weathers against ya, all I do is get fatter and drunker.
I'm trapped in my house. All doors and windows are sheeted with plastic and taped up ready for new stucco and paint. The worst part is it's a beautiful morning :gah:.
Excape for the day,Carol, not much for you to do anyway!!�� Unless you want to watch paint dry!