What are you doing right now

When the pups get hungry, they just won’t let up Steve!

Scott, hope all went well being off and all? Hope ya remembered lunch today ? Lol. The season is over, now the two month drag on time begins, although March can go either way.
Winding down after a long cold day at my club, I went up there to clean up a little after the hunting season, And take down two of my trail cameras , I we my son and grandson were going to stay over night, But it was 13* in the cabin and 2* outside...

So we rode around for a few hours in the Rhino, Pulled the cameras, Checked the ice on the lake... And ''Woofed'' out...

To hot Jersey.....:cxtv:
Waiting to go out and freeze my **** off later on in the night escorting trucks through the rear gate. :gah:
Sitting in Albuquerque. Brought granddaughter up to her quarterly visit to check out her hip. 236 miles, 3 hrs and 10 minuets. One restroom stop. Going to take a nap, will be heading home around 2 pm.
Chilling out reading forum(s) stuff... after a 5K run around the block for today's exercise. When the wife comes in from work and cleans up, it'll be food time!!!

Did I mention, it's cold!!!!
besides reading this post? Me, I'm sitting in my recliner and trying to avoid painting the living room and hall. :D

What DayDreamer said!! But over that just finished a complete service and tire rotation on my Wife's Forester. And about to enjoy a tall Rum and Coke, just b/c I canThumbUp!

Waiting to go out and freeze my **** off later on in the night escorting trucks through the rear gate. :gah:

So how did that go ? I tried to respond on my phone from work today but it wouldn't load for some reason.
Foggy/misty/COLD here again... VERY unusual to keep having this type weather in our area - had it ALL week long! Depressing.

Fix’n to join the Saturday morning coffee klatch at the Cracker Barrel today....our regular little cafe closes for holiday weekends...so, a point of light in this damp, dark gray weather.
About to do some insulation work at the church. Adding 1500 sq. ft. to our Sunday School Department. Love growth.....

but I hate insulation.
Just sitin here trying to reason why I pay $200 a month to watch commercials :gah:

I'm glad you posted that Frank. I've been thinking the same thing and decided to pull the plug on cable TV as of Jan 1. Its crazy to pay that much for TV when you can watch everything you want for free or close to it.