What Did You Do To Your Freewheeler Today?

Rode yesterday. After several rainy or windy days it was clear and sunny, in the low 50s when I left for a lunch ride and in the low 60s when I rode home. Good ride but I was a little nervous because a few days ago while riding this route I clipped a deer. I was doing about 60 MPH when she came running up out of a ditch and straight across the road in front of me. I hit the brakes and locked up the front wheel. Just before I would have hit her straight on she leaped in the air in an attempt to jump over me and I only clipped her back legs with the top edge of the windshield, the right hand mirror and my right arm. The windshield only had a small mark on the edge and the mirror didn't even break but was just loose. My arm had a small bruise on it but that was it! After checking the bike I went back and looked but the deer was gone so hopefully she was OK.

Fortunately I was only 5 miles from home so I was able to go home and change my pants! After 400,000 plus miles of riding this was the first time I ever hit a deer. Had a few close calls but never hit one. Sure has made me more alert! Someone was watching over me!

Glad to hear your OK Sunman. I try to avoid our known deer crossings like the plague, especially at dawn & dusk.

It can still happen though.
Sunman, good ending to what could have been tragic. Sure glad you're ok. Lots of deer and wild hogs in our neck of the woods. God bless you.
And another perfect day above normal here in Florida

Put some leisure miles on today for Michael MDO);)

Gas prices are down here, finally premium NO alcohol gas is under $3.00 per gallon
I'm getting close to riding again but our weather is going through a bad spell.

I did go out and look at it finally and it's still beautiful. I can't wait to ride again.

My son and youngest granddaughter came and got me this morning and we went to the auto show.

We looked at a few cars/trucks, but we headed toward the kids zone with lots of free stuff for kids to do & it was in the back by the motorcycles, so it was a win win.

We walked for 2.5 hours and I felt great, but was a little tired at the end. A fun day.:cool:
I'm getting close to riding again but our weather is going through a bad spell.

I did go out and look at it finally and it's still beautiful. I can't wait to ride again.

My son and youngest granddaughter came and got me this morning and we went to the auto show.

We looked at a few cars/trucks, but we headed toward the kids zone with lots of free stuff for kids to do & it was in the back by the motorcycles, so it was a win win.

We walked for 2.5 hours and I felt great, but was a little tired at the end. A fun day.:cool:

What about swimming? Is that good cardo exercise for you?