Asking for your Prayers

Papa Zook

Staff member
We are in Houston Texas visiting Marge's family after learning that Marge's sister's husband Andy Friday has just been diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer. Please pray for Andy's healing as he begins his chemo and radiation treatment today.
We are in Houston Texas visiting Marge's family and learned that Marge's sister's husband Andy Friday has just been diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer. Please pray for Andy's healing as he begins his chemo and radiation treatment today.

You have been added to the list. Love Ted and MJ
Prayers from Louisiana.
I was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer in 2007. Dr. said I had 9% chance of survival past 5 years. I went to MD Anderson and had chemo, radiation, surgery and am now 6+ years out and cancer free. My life is drastically different due to surgery but I am alive and kicking. I would be happy to share my experiences. PM me if you want my phone number and/or email to share with him.