Road the dragon tail.

I used to enjoy doing it. It was an every other year event, along with the "Snake." Finally gave up going. The crowds got to be to much. Even during mid week. Fools with pull behinds and motorhomes. Add to that the traffic just getting there from TX ? Nah. I have all the excitement I can handle watching the border patrol chase illegals crossing the river down here. :laugh:
Arizona Dragon Tail/Devil’s Highway (191/666) is fun road to ride! Give it a try if you are out that way.
I used to enjoy doing it. It was an every other year event, along with the "Snake." Finally gave up going. The crowds got to be to much. Even during mid week. Fools with pull behinds and motorhomes. Add to that the traffic just getting there from TX ? Nah. I have all the excitement I can handle watching the border patrol chase illegals crossing the river down here. :laugh:

Just tell the truth ....... you’ve become an ole fart :xszpv::wave4:
Arizona Dragon Tail/Devil’s Highway (191/666) is fun road to ride! Give it a try if you are out that way.

Did it late spring of this year before the schools let out. Hate traffic.
Did that a couple of weeks ago.

Hey Lola..... Mikey said he hates traffic. Me too. When we did 191 I don't remember seeing any traffic at all. There must have been some but I just don't remember seeing any. Just a lot of corners and elevations from 4,800 to 9,300 and 117 miles each way. Glad we did it when we did cause they got snow there this week..... Jim
There is a road in Virginia known as the "Back of the Dragon". All 31 miles of it across three mountain ranges. That is how the road is named by the state.
Hey Lola..... Mikey said he hates traffic. Me too. When we did 191 I don't remember seeing any traffic at all. There must have been some but I just don't remember seeing any. Just a lot of corners and elevations from 4,800 to 9,300 and 117 miles each way. Glad we did it when we did cause they got snow there this week..... Jim

Snow all over. I 70 in Co near Vail. I 25 in WY near Buffalo to Casper. That closed the highway. My issue with traffic is the damn motorhomes and pull behinds that refuse to use the turnouts to let others pass as they are required to.
Hey Lola..... Mikey said he hates traffic. Me too. When we did 191 I don't remember seeing any traffic at all. There must have been some but I just don't remember seeing any. Just a lot of corners and elevations from 4,800 to 9,300 and 117 miles each way. Glad we did it when we did cause they got snow there this week..... Jim

Kevin, Mary and I only passed 2 cars on the way back to camp, one of them twice. We averaged 60 for the trip.

Time of day and the day of the week affect any number of variables as regards traffic. W/o question, off season is one of the best times to make that run. I sure as hell wouldn't try it over the 4th of July. :laugh: